
“Getting them to embrace their humanity in front of an audience is a leap, and often times, people don’t want to do that…When you are talking to an audience, you are trying to move people, and the best way to do that is to talk to them like they’re people.”  – Bryan Gildenberg, Chief Knowledge […]

I’m so happy to introduce my former and Yahoo! colleague Tim Sanders to our Latimer Group community. Tim is the author of five books including the New York Times Bestseller, “Love is the Killer App.” He is a top-rated keynote speaker and CEO of Deeper Media. Tim preaches generosity toward others at work. He […]

A Story About Respect

Posted On February 27, 2019 BY

I am going share a personal experience with you today… the kind of story that is emotional for a lot of people in 2019 America. It is a story about an interaction I recently had with a police officer. I am making the choice to share this story with you with a healthy dose of […]

The first car stolen or “captured” in the movie “Gone in 60 Seconds” was a 1999 Aston Martin DB7. While Nicholas Cage had an entire minute to capture the car in the movie, in the corporate world, you have just ten seconds to capture your audience’s attention. In my last post, we showed you why capturing attention […]

Substance is the New Style

Posted On January 2, 2019 BY

Do you love Ted Talks as much as I do?  I can’t get enough of them. But laughing at things we like (including ourselves) is healthier than an apple a day. If you have to present for your job or have to listen to others present,  we think you will find this parody video of […]

This post was written by Dan Cooney, Director of Coaching and Senior Facilitator at The Latimer Group. Knowing the goals for your communication is a key tenet of Latimer learning. In this episode of the Message Makeover podcast, we talk to Kate Duffy, a Second City alumnus, about the power of setting specific intentions for […]

This post was written by Kendra Raguckas, eLearning Designer and Facilitator at The Latimer Group. Last week I attended Women in Leadership: Lessons from the Top hosted by People’s United Center for Women and Business. I had the pleasure of hearing two successful women speak: Judy Olian, Quinnipiac University’s 9th President, and Sara Longobardi, Senior Executive […]

This post was written by Kendra Raguckas, eLearning Designer and Facilitator at The Latimer Group. This week I began working on a new eLearning module for creating strong slide decks. In our work with clients, we always give the same advice: make sure your slides complement the speaker, capture the audiences’ attention, and help them […]

Here is a great way to think about your message, in three acts. ACT I: The Open You meet your audience, and your audience meets you. Your goal is to get them engaged right away, and the best way to do that is showing them what will be coming. Give them the topic, the main […]

We’ve written on this topic before, but it is such a global business issue, that I am writing about it again. We have clients across a range of industries and on five continents. And no matter where we go, no matter what the industry is, everyone complains about the exact same thing. Everyone wants their […]