Corporate organizations are highly dynamic organisms that require equally dynamic leadership and strategic planning. And when major decisions or policy choices are made, leadership must build alignment across the organization, through carefully crafted message plans. If leadership cannot build alignment, the initiative is almost certainly guaranteed to fail.
That’s where we come in. For the last two decades, our team has been not only continuously refining our approach and methods for persuasive communication, but we have also witnessed, first hand, the best and worst of life inside corporations. We know message planning, and we understand the realities inside the corporate organism.
So, if you have a major message challenge in front of you, The Latimer Group will bring our twenty years of experience, combined with a fresh perspective free from the day-to-day challenges of life inside your organization. We will help you craft and roll out a message plan that builds the consensus that you need
Successful corporate communication requires a thorough understanding of several critical success factors: the desired outcome; thoughtful awareness of the current corporate realities; and a nuanced understanding of the various elements of the primary, secondary, and tertiary audiences. Once this full landscape is understood, we now can begin putting together an effective communication strategy to build alignment around the policy initiative.
We understand how corporate organizations work, and provide the fresh eyes and ears that corporate leadership will need to put together the strongest possible communication strategy.
Regardless of the major decision or policy change you have in front of you, The Latimer Group will partner with you to craft the powerful communication strategy you need to drive a successful outcome.
Our consulting team are accomplished leaders with diverse backgrounds, academic degrees, and professional experience. Each of them has spent their careers motivating people and creating effective change within their organizations. They are passionate about helping professionals grow, overcoming barriers, and succeeding in a busy, noisy world.