The Mistake of Meetings: FATHOM Issue 1 (2019)
Establishing Repeatable Performance in Communication: FATHOM Issue 2 (2020)
Adapting to Virtual Communication and Embracing Its Strengths – FATHOM Issue 3 (2021)
Best Practices for Strong Virtual Communication – FATHOM Issue 4 (2021)
The Biggest Roadblock to Organizational Success: Poor Internal Communication: FATHOM Issue 5 (2022)
Communicating to Belong: FATHOM Issue 6 (2023)
Building Communication with the Next Generation: FATHOM Issue 7 (2024)
How to be Heard in a Noisy World: FATHOM Issue 8 (2024)
The Latimer Group’s CEO Dean Brenner is a noted keynote speaker and author on the subject of persuasive communication. He has written three books, including Persuaded, in which he details how communication can transform organizations into highly effective, creative, transparent environments that succeed at every level.