Kendra Raguckas

This post was written by Kendra Raguckas, Senior Director of Learning at The Latimer Group. Recently, we had a wonderful experience facilitating a written communication training for the leadership of a local fire department. As we do with all our learning experiences, at the end we asked what made the most impact on them during the […]

This post was written by Kendra Raguckas, Senior Director of Learning at The Latimer Group. We hear many of our senior executive clients say, over and over, that their Gen Z employees are lacking certain critical communication skills that are required for business success. We get asked all the time to help bridge this gap, and […]

AI tools are being used everywhere these days. The efficiency and precision they bring is powerful, but as we mentioned in the blog post, AI: “Use it as a Prompt”, we never want to remove the human element from communication. Powerful, persuasive communication is authentic in tone and content. To achieve this using an AI […]

AI: “Use It as a Prompt”

Posted On August 15, 2023 BY

This post was written by Kendra Raguckas, Senior Director of Learning at The Latimer Group. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has quickly become a hot button topic for many in recent months. To ensure they are not left behind, many organizations are scrambling and investigating how to leverage AI, including The Latimer Group. In a recent meeting with […]

Hello friends! Today we continue our #LatimerAt20 campaign, and share with you our best communication insights. Over the last twenty years, we have worked hard to build a communication model that provides the user with clear and powerful tools and frameworks, and have built a repeatable process that serves as a blueprint for preparation success. […]

This post was written by Kendra Raguckas, Director of Instructional Design & Technology at The Latimer Group. Two weeks ago, our team hosted a free online conversation focusing on our new normal in the virtual world. We shared our top five observations from the transition to mandated remote work and our recommendations on how to adjust […]

To The Latimer Group Community, We hope you are doing as well as possible, given the rapidly changing health and business environment. Our team has been working remotely since last week, and we remain ready and fully equipped to continue to provide you with the necessary communication coaching and training. We are all managing new […]

This post was written by Kendra Raguckas, Director of Instructional Design & Technology at The Latimer Group. Like many of you, during this time of uncertainty, The Latimer Group is working remotely. This is a new normal for most of our team and there has been some adjustment to our communication as we transition to virtual […]

This post was written by Kendra Raguckas, eLearning Designer and Facilitator at The Latimer Group. Last week I attended Women in Leadership: Lessons from the Top hosted by People’s United Center for Women and Business. I had the pleasure of hearing two successful women speak: Judy Olian, Quinnipiac University’s 9th President, and Sara Longobardi, Senior Executive […]

This post was written by Kendra Raguckas, eLearning Designer and Facilitator at The Latimer Group. This week I began working on a new eLearning module for creating strong slide decks. In our work with clients, we always give the same advice: make sure your slides complement the speaker, capture the audiences’ attention, and help them […]