
In Times Like This…

Posted On March 20, 2020 BY

Well now… is anyone else having a tough week? Raise your hand if this past week or two have been unlike anything you have ever been through before. (Please know that I have both my hands raised right now.) Scary times, indeed. We are in the midst of a health crisis that, while we have […]

This post was written by Hannah Morris, Director of Assessment & Advancement at The Latimer Group. A lot has changed since I wrote this post three weeks ago, and for me the topic is even more critical now. Managing our self-talk in situations of anxiety and uncertainty is essential in allowing us to function – both for […]

Hello clients and friends, Over the last few days, we have been on the phone with many of our contacts at our client companies, and everyone we have spoken to is in agreement on the following: We are living in challenging, uncertain and rapidly-changing times. There is no denying that. Among the many aspects of […]

This post was written by Hannah Morris, Director of Assessment & Advancement at The Latimer Group. Names identify us and names connect us. When we use someone’s name, we acknowledge them, include them and show them respect. Using names is a powerful communication technique and an important element in building connection. This is not new information, but […]

The Courage to Shut Up

Posted On February 26, 2020 BY

Frequently, one of the participants in a Latimer workshop will say something that totally grabs me. And I always will pause the workshop, write a note in my “ideas book” and then say, “That will be a blog post, and I can footnote you, if you want.” In this case, the participant politely declined a footnote. We […]

No PowerPoint, No Problem

Posted On February 24, 2020 BY

Originally published at Forbes Coaches Council, January 2020. I’ve learned from years of teaching workshops that nearly everyone starts their preparation for a presentation by planning a slide deck, whether that means opening up a new Microsoft PowerPoint, repurposing an old one or two (which often results in a Frankenstein-like creation of mismatched fonts, colors, […]

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about personal behaviors, especially in relation to how we “show up” in a professional setting. And here are five things that always seem to jump to the front of the line for me, as being the most important communication behaviors. Think about this… What would it be like if you […]

This post was written by Hannah Morris, Director of Assessment & Advancement at The Latimer Group. I recently wrote a post about the importance of the first 30 seconds of a presentation. Starting off with a warm welcome, a genuine smile, meaningful eye contact and a basic introduction is an important way to capture your audience’s attention […]

This post was written by Hannah Morris, Director of Assessment & Advancement at The Latimer Group. The first 30 seconds of a presentation are critical. This is the time when we establish elements of communication, connection and confidence, the three pillars of our Executive Presence Model. And this is when our audience decides how they feel about […]

This post was written by Hannah Morris, Director of Assessment & Advancement at The Latimer Group. One of the elements of slide decks that we often critique is the visual consistency. Are all text boxes in the same placement? Or do they jump around? Is the text in standard places (header, subhead, bullet, callout box) the same […]