A Great Time for Self-Reflection
Posted On December 16, 2019 BY Dean Brenner
Like the rest of you, my colleagues and I are in the home stretch of our year… one more week, and then we shut it down for a lengthy, and well-deserved, break. At the end of a long, good, tiring year, it is human nature to look forward to a break. Kicking back, hanging with […]
This Holiday Season, Give Your Audience the Gift of Simplicity!
Posted On December 11, 2019 BY Dan Cooney
In 1990, psychologist Elizabeth Newton asked her Stanford University students to play a simple game. Half of them were told they would be “tappers,” and their job was to tap the rhythm of one of several universally known songs, like “Happy Birthday.” The other half of the students were asked to be “listeners,” and their […]
Steve Jobs, On PowerPoint
Posted On December 9, 2019 BY Dean Brenner
One of my favorite quotes from the late Steve Jobs captures exactly how we feel about PowerPoint here at The Latimer Group: “I hate the way people use slide presentations instead of thinking. People confront problems by creating presentations. I want them to engage, to hash things out at the table, rather than show a bunch of […]
How to Boost Your Communication Value
Posted On December 4, 2019 BY Dean Brenner
Originally published with the Forbes Coaches Council, November 2019. Have you ever gone into a presentation or a sales meeting convinced that you were about to deliver a slam dunk, only to come out feeling like you threw brick after brick? Have you ever introduced a new initiative to your team with great confidence that […]
How Good is Your Poker Face?
Posted On December 2, 2019 BY Dean Brenner
We spend a lot of time leading workshops for our client companies, and we are often impressed with some of the insightful things that are shared in those sessions. Some time ago, we were with one of our most significant client companies and a participant in the workshop, named Paul, started talking about the card game poker. At that […]
Finding Deeper Ways to Listen
Posted On November 20, 2019 BY Dean Brenner
I spend a lot more time thinking about listening now than I used to. Why? I am not really sure. It could be my advancing age, with a major milestone looming on the horizon. It could be parenthood. It could be experience in my job. It could be the influence of some of the people […]
Feeding the Appetite for Self-Improvement
Posted On November 18, 2019 BY Dean Brenner
Winston Churchill once famously said “the most important thing about education is the appetite.” We teach and coach communication skills all day, every day, here at The Latimer Group. And we see all kinds of people walk into our workshops. We see the willing, the unwilling, the motivated, the unmotivated… and everything in between. Some […]
The Best Email I Have Ever Received
Posted On November 13, 2019 BY Dean Brenner
Every once in a while, something unexpected happens that just makes your day so much better. I had one of those “somethings” yesterday. I am on the road again this week, away from my family, which is never fun. I landed and made my way to the hotel, got settled and unpacked, and prepared to […]
How to Communicate at the Highest Level
Posted On November 4, 2019 BY Dean Brenner
Have you ever considered mapping your progress as a communicator? In short, the only way to REALLY be sure you’re improving as an effective communicator is to have some way to measure that improvement. When we work with clients at The Latimer Group, we use a three-stage rubric of Professional-, Leadership-, and Executive-Level communication… So how do we […]
Be Human — Machines May Do Everything Else
Posted On October 30, 2019 BY Dan Cooney
Communicating with empathy might be the most important skill you can master. Why so? Because it’s quite possible that machines are going to be dramatically better at almost – almost – everything else, and maybe much sooner than we expect. What we know for sure is that artificial intelligence (AI) is already very much woven […]