
We preach preparation and audience understanding, all day, every day here at The Latimer Group. One of our foundational beliefs is that the more you understand about what your audience cares about, wants, needs, is motivated by, the easier it will be for you to build connection, anticipate roadblocks, and build message plans that are […]

This post was written by Jay Prewitt, Director of Coaching and Facilitation at The Latimer Group. In my workshops and coaching sessions, I often ask, “What are your coffee beans?” This metaphor represents the mindfulness practices that help you stay present and focused, even when it’s tough. At The Latimer Group, we recognize that everyone has too […]

Here is a common scenario that I have watched and experienced many times: the words that were spoken/written by someone were received in way that was different from the intended impact. The message that was received or the feeling that was created was not at all what the speaker/writer was trying to send or create. […]

This post was written by Lauren St. Germain, Facilitator and Coach for The Latimer Group. The cool thing about being a coach, is that sometimes you can impart wisdom on your clients and other times, they impart wisdom back on you. Recently, I was the recipient of some wisdom when a coaching client shared a key takeaway […]

Every new generation has an impact on the workplace.For leadership, success depends not only on building the youngest generations’ communication abilities — it requires building the entire organization’s ability to communicate across these divides.

When we are listening to music, and there is a moment of silence in the piece of music, that moment of silence is not an absence of music. No. Rather, the moment of silence is part OF the music. I love this idea. The silence is a conscious choice by the composer. The silence contributes […]

We talk about this theme often here at The Latimer Group. But as with any important theme, it merits multiple mentions. When we are communicating in the workplace, we need to make sure we have the correct mindset. And that mindset is this… be more than a messenger. We need to be thinking about doing […]

Everyone always wants to talk about leadership. Every organization is obsessed with training its leaders, present and future. And many professionals invest in developing their own leadership skills. Important stuff, and I am not suggesting those are bad things to focus on. But leadership is only one part of the equation for a successful organization. […]

This post was written by Kendra Raguckas, Senior Director of Learning at The Latimer Group. Recently, we had a wonderful experience facilitating a written communication training for the leadership of a local fire department. As we do with all our learning experiences, at the end we asked what made the most impact on them during the […]

Most people think of their communication as a tangible and clear output: words on the page, images and messages on a slide, words coming out of the mouth. And there is truth in that belief. Strong communication is a series of clear outputs. We spend a ton of energy here at The Latimer Group helping […]