Jacob Ward

Every new generation has an impact on the workplace.For leadership, success depends not only on building the youngest generations’ communication abilities — it requires building the entire organization’s ability to communicate across these divides.

If you or someone you know is set to embark on a job search, or has completed one recently, you will likely agree that the art of finding a job is a skill unto itself. Why do those with the best backgrounds or the best skills not always land in the final chair? Because prospective […]

This post was written by Jacob Ward, Managing Director and Co-Founder of The Latimer Group’s NextGen Services. When we learned to write in school, I’m guessing that many of you received the same sort of instruction that I did. Often, we were asked to hit a length target. “Fill up the page,” or “It must […]

Communication is often labeled a “soft skill.” Implying it is secondary behind the dominant “hard skills” which are more easily measurable like engineering, coding, physics. At LatimerNext, we disagree! We think of communication differently. Without communication skills, even if you’re the best at what you do, you will find it hard to advance and grow […]