Public Speaking Skills

My Parallel Poker Life

Posted On May 15, 2020 BY

I am a poker player. I love the odds, the strategy, the bluffing, the reading of the other players, and most of all the social interaction. I play a couple of times a month with friends, never online with strangers. And only for low stakes… very low stakes. I just enjoy the experience. Just like everything […]

A lot of our clients tell us that the new increase in “virtual communication” causes anxiety for a number of reasons: technology, “etiquette,” and so on… However, some basic communication skills will always apply… Fall back on those basic tenets when feeling anxious about the “new” communication concepts that come along, and that anxiety should […]

There has been a LOT of content generated of late about the new challenges of communicating, running meetings and leading teams in a virtual environment. Much of it has been good, including several of the pieces posted here by our Latimer team. But just for a moment, let’s look at this another way. Sure, there […]

To The Latimer Group Community, We hope you are doing as well as possible, given the rapidly changing health and business environment. Our team has been working remotely since last week, and we remain ready and fully equipped to continue to provide you with the necessary communication coaching and training. We are all managing new […]

This post was written by Hannah Morris, Director of Assessment & Advancement at The Latimer Group. A lot has changed since I wrote this post three weeks ago, and for me the topic is even more critical now. Managing our self-talk in situations of anxiety and uncertainty is essential in allowing us to function – both for […]

Hello clients and friends, Over the last few days, we have been on the phone with many of our contacts at our client companies, and everyone we have spoken to is in agreement on the following: We are living in challenging, uncertain and rapidly-changing times. There is no denying that. Among the many aspects of […]

This post was written by Hannah Morris, Director of Assessment & Advancement at The Latimer Group. Names identify us and names connect us. When we use someone’s name, we acknowledge them, include them and show them respect. Using names is a powerful communication technique and an important element in building connection. This is not new information, but […]

Welcome to the latest episode of The Message Makeover Podcast. Recently, Kendra and I shared a conversation with Lydia Fenet about the art of persuasion, and the ways to command attention in every room you walk into. Lydia is a Managing Director at Christie’s in New York City, and is the most prominent charity benefit […]

Hear Her Roar

Posted On March 2, 2020 BY

This is one of those simple, personal stories that I love to share. Our four-year-old daughter Kate loves animated movies (who doesn’t?!?) and her stuffed animals… The Lion King movie and her stuffed Aslan from the Narnia stories are current favorites. One day a couple of weeks ago, Emily and I started to notice a […]

The Courage to Shut Up

Posted On February 26, 2020 BY

Frequently, one of the participants in a Latimer workshop will say something that totally grabs me. And I always will pause the workshop, write a note in my “ideas book” and then say, “That will be a blog post, and I can footnote you, if you want.” In this case, the participant politely declined a footnote. We […]