Virtual Communication

I was recently speaking to a close friend who had just attended a conference for her industry. The conference had been on the schedule since last fall, since right after the prior annual event. So, everyone knew this event was coming. But what transpired during the day-long conference last week was, in the words of […]

This post was written by Hannah Morris, Director of Assessment & Advancement at The Latimer Group. Have you ever opened an email, started reading, and, five words in, felt a strong visceral reaction? Perhaps it is a warm flush of gratitude and recognition, a tightness in your chest that holds excitement and opportunity. Or maybe it’s the […]

Building connection and relationships with our clients is the coin of the realm in business. There are lots of important inputs that lead to business success. But our clients and the relationships we build with them are the most important input of all, by far. It’s not even close. And as we all now know, […]

What does the world of communication look like right now? What are the barriers to getting our point across today, at this moment in time? There are a bunch, and none of them are inconsequential. Truth #1: The world continues to be a really noisy place. There are lots of people and things competing for attention span and mind share, and it […]

Maintaining relationships from distance is hard. Very hard. Whether it was the high school relationship you tried to keep together when one or both went off to college… or a marriage put to the test because of a job relocation… or a best friendship tested when one of you moved across country… there are countless […]

What does the world of communication look like right now? What are the barriers to getting our point across today, at this moment in time? There are a bunch, and none of them are inconsequential. Truth #1: The world continues to be a really noisy place. There are lots of people and things competing for […]

Web meetings, conference calls, and virtual platforms are no longer “occasional” methods of communication. These are now full-time communication platforms, and likely will be for the foreseeable future. So, we really need to be thinking about how we can communicate in the most effective way possible using these new tools. In the latest edition of […]

We invite you to join us for the second in our series of discussions on our rapidly changing world, and its impact on the way we communicate. We’ll be hosting the session virtually on Thursday, April 30th, at 12 noon EDT… Even prior to the current health care crisis, the world of communication had never […]

This post was written by Kendra Raguckas, Director of Instructional Design & Technology at The Latimer Group. Two weeks ago, our team hosted a free online conversation focusing on our new normal in the virtual world. We shared our top five observations from the transition to mandated remote work and our recommendations on how to adjust […]

There has been a LOT of content generated of late about the new challenges of communicating, running meetings and leading teams in a virtual environment. Much of it has been good, including several of the pieces posted here by our Latimer team. But just for a moment, let’s look at this another way. Sure, there […]