Virtual Communication

This post was written by Jess Feldt, Facilitator and Coach at The Latimer Group. As we gradually return to our physical workplaces, one might assume that the era of virtual meetings would dwindle. Yet, the reality is quite the opposite. Even as we RTO (Return-to-Office) many of us continue to meet virtually, whether it’s because […]

The New Communication Age

Posted On May 1, 2024 BY

The world is moving fast, the information and the content are coming at us as if from a fire hose… time is precious… organizations are leaner… attention spans have dropped… and everyone is being socially conditioned to “change the channel” very quickly. In other words, there is a world of opportunity for the person (and […]

This post was written by Kendra Raguckas, Senior Director of Learning at The Latimer Group. We hear many of our senior executive clients say, over and over, that their Gen Z employees are lacking certain critical communication skills that are required for business success. We get asked all the time to help bridge this gap, and […]

Engaging your audience during a virtual meeting is really hard, they say. And most people we work with are desperate for ways to create more engagement with their audience… because it feels next to impossible to create it. I am here today to tell you that it is NOT impossible. Is it hard? For sure. […]

AI tools are being used everywhere these days. The efficiency and precision they bring is powerful, but as we mentioned in the blog post, AI: “Use it as a Prompt”, we never want to remove the human element from communication. Powerful, persuasive communication is authentic in tone and content. To achieve this using an AI […]

AI: “Use It as a Prompt”

Posted On August 15, 2023 BY

This post was written by Kendra Raguckas, Senior Director of Learning at The Latimer Group. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has quickly become a hot button topic for many in recent months. To ensure they are not left behind, many organizations are scrambling and investigating how to leverage AI, including The Latimer Group. In a recent meeting with […]

This post was written by Jay Prewitt, Director of Coaching and Facilitation at The Latimer Group. I’m a big Stanley Kubrick fan, which may sound exceptional, or exceptionally trite, to you depending on your experience with art and movies. The 1964 satirical film Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb has […]

This post was written by Jay Prewitt, Director of Coaching and Facilitation at The Latimer Group. My last two blogs have been about trust from the perspectives of hybrid teams and Belonging. Today I want to dig into another perspective of trust: transparency. This is a topic that comes up a lot in my executive coaching. When […]

It’s a fact of modern office life: We all have to conduct business remotely. Many of us lead teams of far-flung colleagues or reports. This has been true for a while, but especially so over the last 2.5 years. This isn’t easy. We all know that absorbing information delivered virtually is much more difficult than in […]

So this really happened to me… yesterday, May 17, 2022. I was getting ready to run a virtual coaching session with three participants, from my office at Latimer headquarters. The session was due to start in about five minutes. And I ran to our learning studio (where we teach many learning sessions and record audio […]