“Simple” Does Not Mean “Simplistic”
Posted On May 21, 2018 BY Dean Brenner
In our workshops, we talk all the time about making things simple. The simple answer wins the day most of the time. In a world that is increasingly fast-paced, time-starved, and overloaded with information, the person who can make complicated things simple and easy to understand rules the world. But when I talk about this […]
Introducing The Message Makeover Podcast
Posted On April 26, 2018 BY Dan Cooney
This post was written by Dan Cooney, Director of Coaching and Senior Facilitator at The Latimer Group. We are excited to introduce our brand new podcast, “The Message Makeover”. The show examines topical business communication challenges and offers expert coaching, advice, and feedback to business executives. Every day, consciously or not, we are constructing and […]
How to Create the TOTAL Audience Experience
Posted On April 16, 2018 BY Dean Brenner
When you stand up to speak in a professional setting, there are three primary ways you are interacting with your audience: the message you have developed, the slides you have created, and the delivery skills you exhibit. All three matter, because all three impact your audience’s experience. Many people think about their work presentations this […]
What Are the Ingredients for Great Communication?
Posted On March 26, 2018 BY Dean Brenner
At The Latimer Group, we believe there are five “ingredients” that must be present in order to have effective, persuasive communication: Clarity, Brevity, Context, Impact, and Value. We teach these concepts in our workshops and write about them here on our blog all the time, and we believe that all great communication contains these five […]
Speaking Tips: Last Things First
Posted On March 7, 2018 BY Dean Brenner
Have you ever led a meeting, handed out the slide deck, began discussing the topic and while still on slide 1 or 2, most of your audience has already flipped to the last slide? I’m sure you’ve seen this before… Perhaps you’ve been the one flipping to the last slide, or perhaps you were the […]
Do You Ramble When Speaking? These 3 Tips Will Help You Stop
Posted On February 28, 2018 BY Dean Brenner
Most people struggle to get to the point. Most people struggle with clarity and brevity. And this affliction is largely due to an inability to plan out the message, and prepare appropriately. Getting to the point quickly and clearly is not just a delivery technique. It is the output of organization and preparation. However, on top of good […]
How to (Really) Make America Great Again
Posted On February 21, 2018 BY Dean Brenner
Don’t worry… this post is not an endorsement of any political figure, party or position. But I am shamelessly grabbing a well-known, and highly divisive, political slogan to make a point about the United States, and the state of our culture. As a country, we talk all the time about how to make our country […]
Feedback No One EVER Gives at Work
Posted On January 29, 2018 BY Dean Brenner
“Wow, that meeting was great. I wish it was a lot longer.” “When she explains things everything seems more complicated. It’s great.” “He never gets to the point. I love listening to him.” “It’s always hard to understand his main message, which is why I love his presentations.” “Her slide decks look like a passage […]
Can Great Public Speaking Be Learned?
Posted On January 24, 2018 BY Dean Brenner
The short answer is, “Yes, absolutely.” The slightly longer answer is, “Yes, but you have to work hard at it.” We recently had an individual at a client company participate in one of our presentation skills workshops. When I saw his name on the roster the week before the class, I recognized it immediately. I […]
Video: Three Levels of Communication Success
Posted On January 22, 2018 BY Dean Brenner
When we coach our clients on improving their persuasive communication skills, we don’t look at it as a matter of being “good” or “bad” at communicating. Obviously, not everyone communicates at the same level. For some, it comes very easily and naturally. For others, not so much. And for others, becoming more persuasive may be […]