
Breaking Through That Ceiling

Posted On August 10, 2023 BY

My family and I met with a dear old friend yesterday, who has recently started a new job as Head of School at a well-known New England boarding school. We were going to be in his neighborhood, and he generously agreed to spend a few minutes with us and show us around. It was great […]

Communicating through conflict doesn’t have to be that hard. It can be… but it doesn’t have to be. And the key is your mindset during the conflict. What are you thinking about when communicating with the person you are in conflict with? Are you thinking about winning the discussion, regardless of what comes later? Are […]

Being a great communicator is about so much more than the sales call you’re about to make, the meeting you’re about to join, or the conversation you’re about to have… Beyond the immediate benefits of closing a sale, or contributing to a meeting, great communication skills create several significant realities that will benefit you in […]

This post was written by Jacob Ward, Managing Director and Co-Founder of The Latimer Group’s NextGen Services. When we learned to write in school, I’m guessing that many of you received the same sort of instruction that I did. Often, we were asked to hit a length target. “Fill up the page,” or “It must […]

Does your organization accurately communicate your message and your brand to the street? Does your entire organization communicate a consistent message out to your customers, vendors, partners or shareholders? Are you sure? The larger your organization is, the more common it is to have communication gaps. Simple fact. And therefore, the larger your organization is, […]

It will be years before we understand the real and full impact of our COVID years. The impacts on our children and their education, the economy, how we socialize, and how we work are only now starting to become clear. But a few key things are already clear, at least for now. And not all […]

My colleagues and I spend just as much time changing the way people think about communication as we do anything else. Better communication is not about new tips or tricks (a line I hear in workshops a lot… “I am looking forward to getting some new tips.” Wow, does that drive me nuts.) Better communication is about a lot […]

Why Great Ideas Often Fail

Posted On July 5, 2023 BY

There are a few scenarios that show up frequently in our workshops. And one of the most common is a request from a participant to help them sell their idea/initiative/recommendation. Nearly every day, we work with people who have looked at the problem, done the research, and believe they have the correct solution or idea […]

I have a wide range of conversations with the people I coach. Coaching discussions on communication and leadership skills can cover a lot of territory. But there is a short list of things that seem to come up over and over and over. And at the top of the list is this seemingly simple idea. […]

This post was written by Lauren St. Germain, Facilitator and Coach for The Latimer Group. I was recently listening to an old episode of Brené Brown’s podcast, Unlocking Us, where she arrives at a major “a-ha” moment, live during the show.  And I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since.  Moments before her big realization, […]