
Communicating through conflict doesn’t have to be that hard. It can be… but it doesn’t have to be. And the key is your mindset during the conflict. What are you thinking about when communicating with the person you are in conflict with? Are you thinking about winning the discussion, regardless of what comes later? Are […]

As a business community, we spend a lot of time and money talking about and studying the concept of “change management.” And I understand why. It is an important concept, and organizations and their leaders need to be able to navigate the way through those major moments of change. Get it right, and lots of […]

Avoid Being a Static Leader

Posted On June 29, 2023 BY

People are constantly evolving. As we grow, get older, and experience new things, the sum total of who we are is constantly changing. We are not the same people we were a year ago, two years ago, ten years ago. Because every experience, every relationship, every success, every failure, has an impact on the bottom […]

One of The Latimer Group ’s core beliefs is that great communication skills can change the world. That’s why we are passionate about what we do, and everything we do starts with communication as our true north. Unfortunately, DEI has been relegated to compliance and risk management for too long, which is why it has […]

This post was written by Jay Prewitt, Director of Coaching and Facilitation at The Latimer Group. My last two blogs have been about trust from the perspectives of hybrid teams and Belonging. Today I want to dig into another perspective of trust: transparency. This is a topic that comes up a lot in my executive coaching. When […]

Solving For Time

Posted On April 27, 2023 BY

Good morning, friends! We have been having the same conversation over and over lately, with many different client companies. Many of our clients are looking closely into their own cultures, and asking themselves some hard questions. And among the topics that keep coming up is this one: “How do we communicate more effectively as a […]

The Sign of a Great Team…

Posted On March 30, 2023 BY

… is not the absence of conflict. The sign of a great team is the ability to resolve conflict, in a respectful and productive way. Of all the truisms I hold dear, this one has proven to be more true, more consistently, than any other. I first learned this truism when I was competing for […]

This post was written by Jay Prewitt, Director of Coaching and Facilitation at The Latimer Group.  It was Saturday, January 28, 2023, and I was on my way to Starbucks, and then a hike in Laguna Canyon, when my phone rang. It was my colleague, our CEO Dean, and I immediately wondered if I would be heading […]

(Our author today is our wonderful colleague Robert Mapstead, Director of Learning and Instructional Design for our NextGen Services Group. Robert brings a strong creative mindset and voice to his work every day, so there is no one better to be talking about today’s topic: creativity. Enjoy!) Coming up with creative ideas is critical in […]

At the risk of oversimplification, there are two macro “messaging problems” that come up a lot in our work. Problem #1: the speaker knows what they want to achieve, has a general goal in mind, but has not put enough thought into the details of the message and how they will achieve the goal. They […]