Kendra Raguckas

This post was written by Kendra Raguckas, Senior Director of Learning at The Latimer Group. Recently, we had a wonderful experience facilitating a written communication training for the leadership of a local fire department. As we do with all our learning experiences, at the end we asked what made the most impact on them during the […]

This post was written by Kendra Raguckas, Senior Director of Learning at The Latimer Group. We hear many of our senior executive clients say, over and over, that their Gen Z employees are lacking certain critical communication skills that are required for business success. We get asked all the time to help bridge this gap, and […]

AI tools are being used everywhere these days. The efficiency and precision they bring is powerful, but as we mentioned in the blog post, AI: “Use it as a Prompt”, we never want to remove the human element from communication. Powerful, persuasive communication is authentic in tone and content. To achieve this using an AI […]

AI: “Use It as a Prompt”

Posted On August 15, 2023 BY

This post was written by Kendra Raguckas, Senior Director of Learning at The Latimer Group. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has quickly become a hot button topic for many in recent months. To ensure they are not left behind, many organizations are scrambling and investigating how to leverage AI, including The Latimer Group. In a recent meeting with […]

Hello friends! Today we continue our #LatimerAt20 campaign, and share with you our best communication insights. Over the last twenty years, we have worked hard to build a communication model that provides the user with clear and powerful tools and frameworks, and have built a repeatable process that serves as a blueprint for preparation success. […]

Hello, clients and friends of The Latimer Group, We are excited to share the latest issue of Fathom with you, as the first installment of our “Latimer at 20” anniversary campaign. Over the next several months, we will be coming to you with a wide variety of content, all of designed to share our best learnings […]

Hello friends, Our blog remains our primary form of regular communication with all of you, and the activity on our site is something we are really proud of. We also enjoy it when a reader reaches out with a comment or a question, which happens all the time. But as we have reviewed our site […]

Hello, clients and friends of The Latimer Group, We are excited to share Fathom with you. We launched Fathom in late 2019, took a break from it in 2020 while we dealt with more pressing business issues, and then reintroduced you to this publication in March 2021. The tagline for Fathom is “Strategies for Creating the […]

(Hello, clients and friends of The Latimer Group. We are excited to re-introduce you to Fathom, which we launched in late 2019… but like so many other things, lost some momentum amidst the turmoil of 2020. The tagline for Fathom is “Strategies for Creating the Persuasive Organization,” which exactly captures our intent with this piece. […]

In this episode we interview long-time friend and advisor Phil Bonanno on the art (and a little bit of the science) behind understanding your customer, and figuring out how to connect with them. Phil has a unique take on human connection, and how it plays into the ways we communicate and sell. And he is […]