
At The Latimer Group, our teaching model is based on the 4 Skills of Great Communication: Assess, Message, Document, and Deliver. In this new four-part series of our Soundwaves podcast, Dean shares the four skills of our model, through the story of The Latimer Group’s origin and evolution. As we conclude our 15th year of […]

Becoming a Next-Level Communicator

Posted On November 20, 2017 BY

Originally published with the Forbes Coaches Council October 20, 2017. To be a powerful communicator, you have to be brutally honest. You need to look critically at how great a change you are suggesting and how much you are asking of your audience. But perhaps the most important place you must look is within yourself. How […]

Did you know that a simple lesson from your high school physics class can help you be a more powerful communicator? The Leverage metaphor is one of our core concepts at The Latimer Group, one we use every day, not just in our client workshops, but in our own communication, as well. It’s a pretty […]

My son is seven years old, and like many kids, he is advanced in some ways, and cautious or slower to develop in others. In his case, he has a significant creative mind, loves numbers, loves words, and loves to build things… with Lego, sticks, anything he can get his hands on. He loves to […]

Today’s post is an add-on to our post earlier this week about the importance of bringing empathy to your work. Public speaking is a big — in some cases, debilitating — fear in many people. In most cases we see, that fear stems from being called out, challenged… or, just plain wrong… in front of […]

  I was in the midst of a great workshop recently, when I was asked a question I had never heard before. The participants in this workshop were really friendly and jovial, and we had a nice casual banter going all day long. And towards the end of the day, one of them said, “You […]

Simon Sinek is a favorite around here. We’ve written about him specifically in the past, and there’s a huge overlap in many of the themes we teach… This is a great addendum to some of the posts we’ve written in the past on listening, understanding, and seeing the other side. Simon’s advice, Be the last […]

Today’s post was written by Brett Slater, Chief Social Media Officer at The Latimer Group. Improvisation fascinates me. A recent passion of mine has been improv comedy, and I’m a huge fan of jazz and jam bands, both of which lean very heavily on improvisation as a tool. Part of my fascination with the improv […]

Want to communicate at the Olympic level? Work on the 4 skills of great communication one by one, and when you put them all back together, you’ll be communicating at a much higher level. What are the 4 skills? Dean lays them out for us in the video below:   At The Latimer Group, our […]

Ask anyone who performs at a high level: athletes, dancers, singers, etc. They all prepare and practice their skills the same way. They break their skill down into smaller “sub-skills,” then practice each one individually, then put them all back together, and their overall skill level has improved. The same is true with communication. “Great […]