Navigating Challenging Conversations, Part 2
Posted On June 10, 2020 BY Dean Brenner
Relationships, professional and personal, can be made or broken by the manner in which challenging conversations are handled. If handled well, the relationship can be forever strengthened. If handled poorly, the relationship may never recover. So, a complete tool box of tactics is a very valuable thing to have. In my last post, I shared […]
Navigating Challenging Conversations, Part 1
Posted On June 8, 2020 BY Dean Brenner
The ability to navigate our way through a challenging conversation is always a great skill to have, especially when there are large issues to be discussed. And especially when we know people have big opinions and big emotions. I am in the process of re-examining my entire set of tactics and behaviors around challenging conversations… […]
Silence is Not an Option
Posted On June 3, 2020 BY Dean Brenner
To our clients and friends in The Latimer Group community. We are thoroughly disgusted by the treatment and tragic killing of George Floyd on May 25 in Minneapolis. This reminds us, yet again, of how far our country has yet to go in our journey towards fairness, opportunity and safety for all. The legitimate protests […]
These 5 Words Can Make You More Persuasive
Posted On June 1, 2020 BY Dean Brenner
At The Latimer Group, we believe that the ability to persuade, influence and build consensus is the most important skill that you can have in the workplace. If you attempt to add one skill to your tool box, verbal persuasion should be at the top of your list. This begs the obvious follow-up question… How do you make yourself […]
The Message Makeover Minute: 5 Strategies for More Persuasive, Intentional Communication
Posted On May 29, 2020 BY Dean Brenner
In all our work, we strive to help our clients craft their communication in the most effective, persuasive way possible. Here are 5 coaching strategies and story telling approaches you can use to be a more intentional, more persuasive communicator. For more episodes of The Message Makeover Minute, and other videos from The Latimer Group, […]
The Self-Evident Truths of Communication Today
Posted On May 26, 2020 BY Dean Brenner
What does the world of communication look like right now? What are the barriers to getting our point across today, at this moment in time? There are a bunch, and none of them are inconsequential. Truth #1: The world continues to be a really noisy place. There are lots of people and things competing for […]
The Message Makeover Minute: Three Tips to Up Your Virtual Communication Game
Posted On May 22, 2020 BY Dean Brenner
Web meetings, conference calls, and virtual platforms are no longer “occasional” methods of communication. These are now full-time communication platforms, and likely will be for the foreseeable future. So, we really need to be thinking about how we can communicate in the most effective way possible using these new tools. In the latest edition of […]
Watch What You Say (To Yourself)
Posted On May 20, 2020 BY Dan Cooney
This post was written by Dan Cooney, Director of Business Development at The Latimer Group. My boss and I were on a recent call with a friend we admire, and we were all commenting how the prior week, roughly eight weeks into the lockdown, had been emotionally challenging one for all of us. Our friend said, […]
4 Steps to Leading a Better Conference Call
Posted On May 18, 2020 BY Dean Brenner
A survey from Raindance Communications looked at the issue of multitasking. And for those of you who regularly lead conference calls (like me), brace yourselves… the numbers ain’t pretty. These stats are a little dated but still eye-opening. According to this survey: 90% of people surveyed said they multitask while on conference calls; 70% reported doing other, unrelated work; 50% […]
My Parallel Poker Life
Posted On May 15, 2020 BY Dean Brenner
I am a poker player. I love the odds, the strategy, the bluffing, the reading of the other players, and most of all the social interaction. I play a couple of times a month with friends, never online with strangers. And only for low stakes… very low stakes. I just enjoy the experience. Just like everything […]