6 Simple Rules for Speaking Well
Posted On July 7, 2015 BY Dean Brenner
Speaking well can be pretty hard. Speaking in a way that captures attention, and helps you achieve your business goals can be intimidating for lots of people. It is hard, in many ways. But the keys to success can also be pretty simple, if you think about it the correct way. So let me make […]
Getting to the Point Quickly is Really About Respect
Posted On June 29, 2015 BY Dean Brenner
In our communication skills workshops, there is a theme that always comes up that seems to surprise first-time participants. We talk about many of the most important aspects of great business communication: clarity, brevity, being memorable, setting context, communicating value, staying “on message”… all of the things that are required in the 21st century business […]
The Many Benefits of Clarity and Brevity
Posted On April 27, 2015 BY Dean Brenner
We are learning to deal with details and data, enormous amounts of it. We have spent the last 20+ years making massive improvements to the ways we create it, gather it, store it, share it, and analyze it. But it is only recently that we have realized that all this information and data and details […]
When People Listen to You
Posted On April 20, 2015 BY Dean Brenner
We all know how it feels to have our time wasted. Have you ever been in a meeting/presentation/conference call that seemed to have no purpose? Or where the speaker could not get to the point? Or where you wondered why you were even there? [Pause for you to nod in agreement…] Have you ever listened […]
The Lost Art of Compromise
Posted On April 14, 2015 BY Dean Brenner
On April 9th, The U.S. marked the 150th anniversary of the end of the American Civil War. While I’m not a historian, history (American military history, specifically) is a favorite subject of mine, so this week’s commemoration has me thinking. In the wake of General Lee’s surrender to General Grant at Appomattox Courthouse, President Lincoln […]
What’s at the Heart of All Great Business Communication?
Posted On March 25, 2015 BY Dean Brenner
The hardest thing for any subject matter expert (SME) to do is to explain his or her area of expertise in simple and clear ways. When we are “in” it, when we are living the topic every day, and when we know a lot about it, it is really hard to distance yourself from it and […]
A Real-World Case for Clear Communication
Posted On March 23, 2015 BY Dean Brenner
Today’s post was written by Brett Slater, Chief Social Media Officer at The Latimer Group As The Latimer Group’s Chief Social Media Officer, I’m exposed to every single piece of content Dean and the team produces. I read every blog post, watch every video, and listen to every podcast, and as you imagine, some of […]
Embracing the Communication Age
Posted On March 19, 2015 BY Dean Brenner
I hear people refer all the time to a seemingly indisputable fact that we are neck deep in The Information Age. Everything about the way we generate it, consume it, store it, and share it is changing, rapidly. But while those trends are real and will continue for the foreseeable future, there is a bigger […]
Curt Schilling Did it Right
Posted On March 5, 2015 BY Dean Brenner
I am not a fan of former Boston Red Sox player Curt Schilling. In fact, as a Yankee fan, he was the player I hated the most. But today, he has earned my enduring respect… not because of something he did as a baseball player or in his current career as a sportscaster. No. He […]
Help Your Audience Retain Your Message
Posted On February 23, 2015 BY Dean Brenner
I’m writing to you early on a Sunday morning from my hotel room in Perth, Australia, the sun still hiding behind the eastern horizon. My colleagues and I are blessed and grateful to have a client base that takes us all over the world, with active relationships on five continents. And while that means we […]