
This post was written by Lauren St. Germain, Facilitator and Coach for The Latimer Group. I’m nearly two years into parenthood and often say that raising a little human is the fastest way to develop leadership skills. It’s forced me to become more self-aware, consider a perspective outside of my own, and has made me more mindful […]

My colleagues and I always talk about the importance of getting to the point quickly. So don’t worry… I am not about to contradict twenty years of Latimer teaching. But my colleagues and I also believe in the importance of audience and situational awareness, and that we should always try to avoid a one-size-fits-all approach. […]

Translating Clarity

Posted On October 31, 2024 BY

This post was written by Jay Prewitt, Director of Coaching and Facilitation at The Latimer Group. I was at a post-rehearsal sushi dinner with my friend Ayur, who sings bass with me in a choral ensemble. Ayur is ethnically Mongolian, speaks Russian, Buryat, and Korean, and has been living in the United States for a year and […]

I was speaking with a good friend recently. He’s a business owner, and the definition of a straight shooter. He doesn’t tolerate people who waste his time or who don’t deliver as promised. He shared a story of a contractor he was working with who never, ever seemed to be able to meet a deadline. And his […]

Making the determination about what is and what is not appropriate is a judgment call that we can only make when we are honest with ourselves about who our audience is and what the context is for our meeting.

Great and powerful communication is not a single skill set. No, in fact great and powerful communication is actually four skills. And like any other elite artist or athlete, great performances are built first by breaking the overall skill into subskills. When we break things down into smaller parts, it is easier to build a […]

Experience vs. Curiosity

Posted On October 15, 2024 BY

Many of us in our professional lives will get to a point where we have a lot of experience. We have done the job for a while, we know the products, we know the stakeholders, we know what our clients or customers want or don’t want. Experience matters, a lot. And when we accumulate significant […]

One of the things that consistently comes up in conversation during coaching and training is the moving target of credibility. How to get it… what to do if you don’t have it… and how much of it is needed. And just like any other “power source” it helps to first understand the sources of credibility, […]

Solving for Time

Posted On October 8, 2024 BY

My colleagues and I are always making the case for stronger communication skills. And if we are going to make that case, then we also have to make the case for better preparation. And if we are going to make that case, then we also need to create some time in our work lives to […]

Do You Have a Good Poker Face?

Posted On October 1, 2024 BY

I was recently leading a workshop, when a participant named Paul started talking about the card game poker. We were discussing body language and presence, and Paul equated the conversation to having a good “poker face” while playing cards. In other words, he was talking about maintaining a consistent presence when speaking, no matter what we might […]