Weak Language When Presenting is Sort of a Problem

We deliberately used an example of that weak language in the title of this post, to illustrate what it can do to your message and your credibility when presenting.

Weak phrases like “pretty much,” “sort of,” “kind of,” or “a little bit,” don’t actually add a lot to your message. Phrases like these make you sound unsure, like you are hedging, because that is exactly what you ARE doing.

People waste words all the time, filling up the space with extra language that doesn’t actually communicate much, doesn’t add anything to our message.

At The Latimer Group, we always coach our clients to say what they mean, exactly what they mean, and to get to the point in as few a words as possible. Weak phrases like the ones above, or filler words like “however” or “nevertheless” do nothing but take up time.

The best speakers I know don’t waste words. The best speakers I know say what they mean, as clearly as possible, in as few words as possible.

Record yourself when you speak sometime, even just a phone call. And count how many times you use weak phrases like “sort of” or how many words you use to fill space.

If you can eliminate the extra words or unnecessary phrases, you will be able to get to the point more quickly, you will be more likely to keep your audience’s attention and your audience will know exactly what you are trying to say.

Have a great day.

At The Latimer Group, our individual Coaching services are highly customized and designed to help you achieve your specific goals. Typical engagements focus on developing skill sets in Leadership Communications, Public Speaking, and Executive-Level Business Presentations. To learn more, e-mail us at info@TheLatimerGroup.com


2 responses to “Weak Language When Presenting is Sort of a Problem”

  1. Doug Kozik says:

    Hey Dean,

    Hope you are well. Great Post!
    Forwarding this to my kids! Write an article for them about using the word “like”. If I had a $ for every time my kids said that…I would be retired.
    Nonverbal ques would also be a good topic. All those physical movements that demonstrate a lack of confidence, lbouncing of the a leg when presenting, clasping your hands over and over, grabbing your elbow, giggling nervously when delivering a message. I am obviously referring more to a teenager, but it is just as relevant in different ways with adults in the business world.
    Not that I am perfect…after all, you have the tape! 🙂
    Hope you are well and staying safe in Walli-World!

    • Dean Brenner says:

      Love it, Doug! By the way… we are doing a lot of work with Carrier again. We should catch up. Would love to connect soon.

      Great to hear from you.

      – Dean

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Dean Brenner

A book about change

The Latimer Group’s CEO Dean Brenner is a noted keynote speaker and author on the subject of persuasive communication. He has written three books, including Persuaded, in which he details how communication can transform organizations into highly effective, creative, transparent environments that succeed at every level.