The Evolving Organization (And… Some News from The Latimer Group)

Every organization is a dynamic organism, in a constant state of evolution… sometimes expanding, sometimes contracting, sometimes getting stronger, sometimes weaker. What an organization needs at any given moment is likely to be different from what it needed one year ago, or will need one year from now. And it is important for leaders to remember this, always.

The best leaders, and leadership teams, therefore will be agile in their style, and will remain firmly in tune with changing environments. This conversation is coming up in nearly every executive coaching conversation I am having. Questions about the economy, the political environment, back-to-office issues, supply chain challenges… all of it means that leaders and leadership teams should never get too comfortable. In order to stay competitive, the ways in which leaders and leadership teams are structured, behave, and communicate needs consistent evaluation.

This is not meant to incite panic… quite the contrary in fact. The point here is to inspire reflection. If leaders and leadership teams remain comfortable in a mode of self-reflection, and are never afraid to ask themselves the hard questions, then they are much more likely to remain competitive in this dynamic environment. 

That’s my point here today. Don’t let yourself, or your team, be static. Remain dynamic. The world is changing around you, consistently and constantly.

And in other news…

My colleagues and I at The Latimer Group are proud to share some big news today. As of January 1st, long-time colleague and company leader Whitney Sweeney has been promoted to Managing Director, helping me lead and oversee the entire business. Whitney and I have been working together for nearly 15 years, and this is the right move at the right time for our company and our clients. 

In her new role, Whitney will help lead us into our third decade, with a broad set of management responsibilities. Whitney will, however, continue to manage our top client relationships with her signature approach. 

This change is part of our effort to remain dynamic and competitive in a rapidly changing environment. I could not be more proud of our team, and more excited for Whitney. This change allows us to remain even more responsive to our clients, and their evolving needs.

If you would like to read more about the change, then please read on here! 



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Dean Brenner

A book about change

The Latimer Group’s CEO Dean Brenner is a noted keynote speaker and author on the subject of persuasive communication. He has written three books, including Persuaded, in which he details how communication can transform organizations into highly effective, creative, transparent environments that succeed at every level.