Communicating Respect: Give A Little To Get A Lot
Posted On July 18, 2018 BY Dean Brenner
Originally published with the Forbes Coaches Council, June 2018. As a speaker, it’s always important to project authority. Whether through a mastery of detail, a clear understanding of your audience’s needs, a strong speaking voice or a poised stance at the front of the room, showing that you have expertise and confidence can go a […]
Coaching Advice: Why You Should Never Compromise Your Communication Efforts
Posted On July 16, 2018 BY Dean Brenner
We coach people to be as persuasive and powerful in their communication as possible. But sometimes, your audience is just not open to what you have to say. Our clients often share experiences where the audience is not always open minded. Some of our clients tell us, “They don’t want to hear that from me,” […]
Communicating Respect: Know Your Audience
Posted On July 9, 2018 BY Dean Brenner
Originally published with the Forbes Coaches Council, May 2018. Have you ever been in a meeting with someone who is clearly giving you the same presentation she’s given before to other audiences? There are some telltale signs: a generic set of benefits, little anticipation of objections, a lack of details that speak to your specific […]
Coaching Advice: Think of Better Communication as a Service to Others
Posted On July 5, 2018 BY Dean Brenner
When we communicate well in the workplace — when we get to the point, when we articulate value, when we make the point clearly — what we are really doing is respecting our audience, and their time. When we do not prepare sufficiently, or make the point quickly and clearly, then what we are really doing is disrespecting […]
Speaking Tip: First, Make Things Simple for YOU
Posted On May 28, 2018 BY Dean Brenner
Have you ever noticed that when people are making a business presentation, very often, they make the story sound super complicated? Have you ever noticed that once they sit down, and it is over, and someone asks simple questions, they can give simple, coherent answers? Have you ever listened to something they say in Q&A […]
Communication Tips: How to Be Heard Through All the “Noise”
Posted On May 9, 2018 BY Dean Brenner
Communication clarity is really hard in the 21st century… a mantra I have recited over and over in this space. It’s hard because of the noise, the competition for mind share, and shrinking attention spans. But often the best way to combat difficulty and noise is to focus on the most simple, basic elements of […]
The Big Idea: Strategies For Expanding Your Reach
Posted On April 30, 2018 BY Dean Brenner
Originally published with the Forbes Coaches Council, April 2018. When you have a great new idea, launching it successfully and refining into a unique value proposition are enormous accomplishments. But don’t stop there. To truly explore the potential of a new idea, you need to keep finding ways to communicate your passion and reach new audiences. […]
How to Create the TOTAL Audience Experience
Posted On April 16, 2018 BY Dean Brenner
When you stand up to speak in a professional setting, there are three primary ways you are interacting with your audience: the message you have developed, the slides you have created, and the delivery skills you exhibit. All three matter, because all three impact your audience’s experience. Many people think about their work presentations this […]
The Big Idea: Three Steps To Make Your Idea Stand Out
Posted On April 11, 2018 BY Dean Brenner
Originally posted with the Forbes Coaches Council on Mar 13, 2018. When you come up with an innovative idea — a new product, a new company or a new initiative — taking the leap into the unknown can feel like the hardest part. But, getting a new idea off the ground is only one step […]
What Are the Ingredients for Great Communication?
Posted On March 26, 2018 BY Dean Brenner
At The Latimer Group, we believe there are five “ingredients” that must be present in order to have effective, persuasive communication: Clarity, Brevity, Context, Impact, and Value. We teach these concepts in our workshops and write about them here on our blog all the time, and we believe that all great communication contains these five […]