
Hello friends! We recently added a new element to our website, where you can submit your communication questions directly to us. We will collect the questions, and either answer directly back to you, or when appropriate, publish a series of questions and our answers on our blog. Our goal here is to give you some […]

Keeping your energy level up all the time is hard. We all get tired. We all get frustrated. We all get sick of our work/colleagues/friends/selves. And when we are any of these things, our productivity suffers. One of the best quotes I have ever heard (well… more of an attitude than a quote) is that positivity […]

Investing Wisely

Posted On January 10, 2022 BY

This post was written by Hannah Morris, Director of Facilitation & Evaluation at The Latimer Group. A single word can have tremendous power. It can focus and center us, and inspire. Five years ago, I was introduced to the practice of choosing a single word to launch a new year, in place of resolutions. That […]

Showing your audience respect has a lot of great payoffs. It makes your audience feel engaged and positive, it can enable a culture of buy-in, in which people feel committed not only to execute a plan or implement a new product but to make it succeed… and it can make you a more specific, persuasive […]

New Year’s Revelations

Posted On January 3, 2022 BY

I have always hated the concept of the “New Year’s resolution.” It has always seemed contrived to me, and the vast majority of resolutions I have made at this time of year don’t remain in place for very long. Most are a distant memory by mid-February. And I am highly confident that most of you […]

Managing the Ego in the Workplace

Posted On December 15, 2021 BY

My wife Emily and I have recently been going through some old files in our basement, clearing some stuff out and making some much-needed room in an already-crowded basement. And whenever one starts opening boxes from long ago, two things always seem to happen. You find some stuff, and wonder “why did I ever keep that?” And […]

How good a leader are you? More importantly, how good a follower are you? And most importantly, have you ever thought about the connection between the two? We spend billions of dollars and thousands upon thousands of hours each year teaching and learning how to lead. But we spend comparatively little time teaching and learning […]

[Author’s Context: It is Thanksgiving week here in the United States, which means, hopefully, many of us are taking a moment to pause and be grateful for the things we have. It is also 4:15am here in Connecticut, the feelings are flowing out of me, and I can’t sleep… which means I am writing in […]

There are some universal communication mistakes that anyone can make in the workplace. That’s a pretty long list. But in addition, there are also some communication mistakes that are not universal, but rather are gender specific. And in an era where there is more scrutiny, and far more risk, coming from the things we say […]

Over the last two years, at least one thing should be crystal clear to all of us… that an inability or refusal to evolve can lead to existential threats to our business. “Evolve or die” has become more than just a cliché… it has become a truism that we ignore at our own peril. And […]