
I am traveling on business this week, with one of our best clients. And in a workshop yesterday, I lived a sad convergence of business and current events. During one of the breaks, the participants in the workshop shared that one of the victims of the Orlando massacre had been their colleague. None of them knew […]

I am relearning, once again, some powerful lessons about communication. And I am learning them from our infant daughter. Our daughter is rapidly approaching her first birthday, and is doing all the things you would expect her to be doing. Crawling around, getting into things she shouldn’t, making all sorts of sounds, screaming when she […]

On Labels and Judgments: 2016

Posted On April 18, 2016 BY

(Earlier today, at my 5am spin class, I heard some sad news. I learned that a guy who had been a regular member of our early morning spin group had died over the weekend, apparently taking his own life. We weren’t close… we were friendly, enough to chat before and after class. We knew each […]

I was recently speaking to a client, a person I have been coaching for about six months. This coaching assignment has been focused on the subtle aspects of persuasion. He is relatively new in his organization, and has wanted to work on how to better influence his colleagues, without coming on too strong. Many of […]

My family and I recently returned from a short trip to Mexico. We have visited family there several times with our son over the last six years, and this was the first plane trip for our infant daughter. Traveling with young kids can be a real challenge, no matter how hard you try to organize […]

We talk and write often about our 5 “ingredients” in the recipe for great communication: Clarity, Brevity, Context, Impact, and Value. We also have written a few articles and blog posts about the War on Detail — the notion that details in business and communication DO matter greatly, but we should choose carefully which details we […]

We talk about this subject VERY often in our workshops and keynotes at The Latimer Group. We think it’s a hugely important step toward gaining competitive edge in the workplace. The next time you speak in a meeting, or make a presentation, be MORE than a messenger. Make that presentation more than “just giving an […]

We talk all the time in our workshops — and write all the time on our blog — about the things you’ll never hear your audience say when you speak or present. So, because we GUARANTEE your audience will never say these things, you’ll have absolutely NO reason not to be clear and simple in […]

We recently published a couple blog posts about the “inner voice” that often creeps inside us, and attempts to shake our confidence before a big meeting, speech, or presentation. We included some strategies about how to quiet that voice, and help alleviate some of the self-doubt and negativity that comes when that voice gets loud. […]

The Cost of Poor Communication

Posted On February 3, 2016 BY

My colleagues and I always talk about the importance of strong communication skills. And we also always talk about a few business world realities that make communication hard: too many meetings, overwhelming amounts of information, multi-tasking to the point of complete distraction, short attention spans, etc, etc, etc. We talk about these issues constantly. These […]