
Writer’s Note: We continue our focus on the positive in this week’s blog. Our goal is to make you smile, and give you something positive to think about. Today, we are reposting something I wrote in 2017, about how and when to push a child, and how that relates to our relationships in the workplace. […]

Writer’s Note: We continue our focus this week on uplifting stories, meant to make you smile. Today, we are reposting something I wrote almost exactly one year ago, about an email I received from my son. I hope this post works as intended, and that it puts a smile on your face. Enjoy! Every once […]

Hear Her Roar

Posted On November 9, 2020 BY

Writer’s Note: Our focus this week on The Latimer Group blog is uplifting stories that will make us smile. And we will start off our week by reposting one of our favorite and most popular posts ever, about my daughter and a morning ritual. Enjoy! This is one of those simple, personal stories that I […]

A Commitment to Other Ideas

Posted On November 6, 2020 BY

This has been a fascinating, exciting, frustrating and scary week in the United States. Which of those emotions are strongest in you probably depends on, like so many other things in our country right now, your political leanings. This week has been all of those things for me, and more… a really emotional and complicated […]

Today we continue our series on classic persuasion and communication mistakes. And today, I want to share a few thoughts on how to handle those really hard conversations we all need to have with a colleague from time to time, when we have to give some feedback that might not be well received. So let’s […]

Let’s continue our discussion of classic persuasion mistakes… here’s another one that we see all the time. If you want to persuade someone to take advantage of an opportunity, don’t spend all your time trying to demonstrate all the upside, how unbelievable the idea is, and how they would be crazy if they didn’t do […]

My colleagues and I spend just as much time changing the way people think about communication as we do anything else. Better communication is not about new tips or tricks (here is a line I hear in workshops a lot… “I am looking forward to getting some new tips.” Wow, does that drive me nuts.) […]

One of the keys to being a good colleague, teammate, and leader is self awareness and self regulation. (The same holds true for being a good friend, spouse and parent, by the way.) And, a big part of self awareness and self regulation is knowing when your stress and anxiety levels are approaching high levels.  […]

We have been doing some poking around our blog archive lately, and have come across some older posts that were really popular… and that still resonate. And this one is one of our most popular posts ever. We think the point is just as true today as when we first posted it six years ago. […]

Quick, but powerful idea for you today. Let’s say you have a meeting coming up and you will be making a presentation. Your boss and some other senior managers will be in the room or the virtual meeting… or maybe a key potential client who you have been trying to sell for a year… or maybe you will […]