You Control The Story You Tell
Posted On February 10, 2021 BY Dean Brenner
Do you ever have to participate in a standard, regularly-scheduled meeting within your company, where you (or someone you work with) presents updated data and information on the business/project? (Most of you have either led such meetings, or at least sat in on them.) Do these meetings end up feeling like the same meeting over […]
Parenting, Professionalism, Principles, and Personal Accountability
Posted On February 8, 2021 BY Dean Brenner
My wife and I were recently organizing a box of keepsakes we have been collecting over the last few years: birth announcements, first report cards, self portraits from art class that are indecipherable. And in that box, we found a note we had written to ourselves, where we had laid out our intended principles of […]
The Sign of a Great Team…
Posted On February 5, 2021 BY Dean Brenner
… is not the absence of conflict. The sign of a great team is the ability to resolve conflict, in a respectful and productive way. Of all the truisms I hold dear, this one has proven to be more true, more consistently, than any other. I first learned this truism when I was competing for […]
3 Things to Remember When Connecting with a Global Audience
Posted On February 3, 2021 BY Dean Brenner
In the 21st century business world, very few things are NOT global in some way, and successful professionals and organizations have no choice but to be thinking about how to reach and connect to a global audience. There are a few things we encourage our clients to do when they are speaking/presenting/meeting with a global […]
Intent vs Impact
Posted On February 1, 2021 BY Dean Brenner
Here is a common scenario that I have watched and experienced many times: the words that were spoken/written by someone were received in way that was different from the intended impact. The message that was received or the feeling that was created was not at all what the speaker/writer was trying to send or create. […]
How Have You Evolved?
Posted On January 29, 2021 BY Dean Brenner
Attention business leaders… every once in a while, it is really healthy to pause, look in the mirror, and examine if and how you have changed and evolved. We are all evolving all the time, in varying ways and at varying speeds. We are all always evolving. But the real learning from that evolution often […]
Do You, um, Distract Your Audience?
Posted On January 27, 2021 BY Dean Brenner
Have you ever, um, listened, um, to someone who, um, has a distracting pattern to the way they, um, speak? Or, like, have you ever, like, focused so hard on, like, one aspect of their speech pattern, that you, like, can’t hear anything else? OrHowAboutThePersonWhoSpeaksSoQuicklyThatEveryWordSeemsLikeItIs PartOfThePreviousWordAndTheAudienceCan’tRetainAnythingBecauseThe SpeakerWon’tSlowDown? Seemingly tiny distractions in your speech pattern can become a really big deal in the work place. Because once […]
The Risk of Not Turning Your Video Camera On
Posted On January 25, 2021 BY Dean Brenner
My colleagues and I think about communication in very broad terms. We define our communication as more than just our words or our slides. Our communication is everything we bring into the interaction… our words, slides, body language, facial expression, attire, silence, questions… all of it contributes to what we communicate to people around us. […]
The Inaugural Address (Through the Eyes of a Child)
Posted On January 22, 2021 BY Dean Brenner
I missed most of the inaugural festivities on January 20th, due to a long day with several of our clients. But we recorded everything, and my wife and I made a date for that evening to sit and watch all of it. I have only been to one Inaugural, in 1988. But I watch every […]
The Message Makeover Podcast: Adjust to be Understood, with Kellie Meiman Hock
Posted On January 18, 2021 BY Dean Brenner
Welcome to the latest episode of The Message Makeover Podcast. In this episode, Dan and I interview Kellie Meiman Hock on the art of international trade negotiations, and the importance of thinking hard about the person, people or group sitting across the table from you. Kellie is a Managing Partner at McLarty Associates in Washington, DC, […]