
How Have You Evolved?

Posted On January 29, 2021 BY

Attention business leaders… every once in a while, it is really healthy to pause, look in the mirror, and examine if and how you have changed and evolved. We are all evolving all the time, in varying ways and at varying speeds. We are all always evolving.  But the real learning from that evolution often […]

I missed most of the inaugural festivities on January 20th, due to a long day with several of our clients. But we recorded everything, and my wife and I made a date for that evening to sit and watch all of it. I have only been to one Inaugural, in 1988. But I watch every […]

Followership is NOT a Bad Word!

Posted On January 15, 2021 BY

(Writer’s Note: We pulled this one from the archive today, for two reasons: First, this concept of followership continues to be an important one, from our perspective. And second, my creative juices were not flowing this morning… I needed a little help from the archive! But in all seriousness, you can’t have good leadership inside […]

Every good organization is always examining itself, its policies and procedures, behaviors and norms. And when something major changes inside your organization, there often needs to be a close examination of how things are done, and an effort made to adapt to the new reality. This happened, or should have happened, in many ways and […]

Changing Gears

Posted On January 6, 2021 BY

This post was written by Hannah Morris, Director of Assessment & Advancement at The Latimer Group. If you were fortunate enough to have some time away from work, whether it was a couple days or a longer stretch, you may have experienced and/or may be currently facing the challenge of changing gears. At the end of a […]

Universal Truths

Posted On January 4, 2021 BY

Hello and welcome to 2021! I hope you had a peaceful and happy holiday, and that everyone in your world is healthy. We had a wonderful “stay-cation” in our home, and spent a lot of time reading, playing games, and watching our favorite shows. Honestly, another week of that would be just fine. But its […]

The Simple Power of Pronouns

Posted On December 14, 2020 BY

This post was written by Hannah Morris, Director of Assessment & Advancement at The Latimer Group. Pronouns, at first glance, are a simple tool to make language more efficient. They replace nouns and make our sentences shorter. But pronouns also hold great power in our communication because of the people that they replace and thereby represent. One […]

Ask anyone who performs at a high level: athletes, dancers, singers, etc. They all prepare and practice their skills the same way. They break their skill down into smaller “sub-skills,” then practice each one individually, then put them all back together, and their overall skill level has improved. The same is true with communication. “Great […]

In nearly every workshop I teach, the topic of “the open” comes up for deep discussion. My colleagues and I focus a great deal of time and attention to teaching people how to engage their audience, right from the first moments of the presentation or discussion. And one of the biggest mistakes we see people make is […]

Writer’s Note: We continue our focus on the positive in this week’s blog. Our goal is to make you smile, and give you something positive to think about. Today, we are reposting something I wrote in 2017, about how and when to push a child, and how that relates to our relationships in the workplace. […]