Connected with My Son, Disconnected from Everyone Else

(Author’s Note: I am on vacation with my family this week, and have been leaning more heavily than normal on our archive. And in honor of being on vacation, and being a little disconnected, we decided to republish a post about the power and importance of BEING disconnected once in a while. Enjoy!)

I’ve been writing this blog for many years now. And as I look back over the hundreds of posts, the ones I have enjoyed writing the most are the really personal ones, where I tell a story about a family member or a friend, that helps me illustrate a relevant point for you.

This past weekend, I snuck away from life with my six-year-old son. Mom stayed home with our infant daughter, and father and son took a big adventure to Washington DC. We took the train (an adventure unto itself), went to the Air and Space Museum, the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument, the Korean War Memorial, Georgetown University, the White House, and the highlight of the weekend… we saw Georgetown kick the crap out Syracuse on the basketball court. We stayed in a hotel, took cab rides, walked all over the city, stayed up late, had plenty of special treats, saw some old friends… My son and I will be talking about this weekend for years to come.

And you know what the best part was? I was totally disconnected from the things I normally think about and obsess about. Other than two Facebook posts to share photos with friends and family, I spent the weekend with my phone mostly off and tucked away in the back pack, next to the snacks and juice boxes.

My commitment to myself, and by extension to my son, was to be fully present the whole time. We talked, we listened to each other, we told stories. It was truly grand. Had I allowed myself to be distracted, I might have missed a few of these gems that came out of his mouth:

When we first saw Apollo 11 at the Air and Space Museum, this precocious six year old said, “Daddy, I have been waiting to see this my entire life.

When I asked him the names of the three astronauts who went to the moon, he said “Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and the other guy who didn’t get out of the module.” (Poor Michael Collins…)

When I asked him what he knew about Abraham Lincoln, he said, “Well that statue is really big. He must have been very tall.

When I asked him if he wanted to go for a walk after dinner to see The White House, he said “Please tell the President I am really tired, and may not want to stay very long.

And when we first got to The Verizon Center for the basketball game, he said “Daddy, why does Syracuse have an orange as their mascot? That is a dumb mascot. It is a really boring fruit.” I agree, my son. I agree.

The point here is that so many great things happen around us every day, professionally and personally, and unless we decide to be present, we will miss most of it. Not everything will be as priceless or as cute as the things that a child might say. But the point remains the same. Put down the phone once in a while, look around, listen up, breath the air. Be present. You never know what you will see and hear.

Have a great day.

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4 responses to “Connected with My Son, Disconnected from Everyone Else”

  1. Doug Shefsky says:

    Love this. Thanks Dean

    “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” – Ferris Bueller

  2. Kristyn Brenner says:

    What a special memory, and what a fabulous reminder to be present. ❤️

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Dean Brenner

A book about change

The Latimer Group’s CEO Dean Brenner is a noted keynote speaker and author on the subject of persuasive communication. He has written three books, including Persuaded, in which he details how communication can transform organizations into highly effective, creative, transparent environments that succeed at every level.