Communication Lessons from the Road, Part 3


Last post of the week… I’m running to the airport now to begin the long trip home from Singapore. It’s been a great trip, but I’m excited to head home.

I love being home, but I also love what international travel does for my approach to my business. I love being forced to stretch boundaries and have to work hard to deliver our product to new and different audiences. And one lesson I relearned several times this week is that there is great long-term business and personal benefit to being forced into new situations.

After one of our workshops last week, I spent a few minutes with one of the executives sponsoring our training. He’s been a big believer in our value for ten years and has brought The Latimer Group in on many projects. And he said something to me last week that was simple, true and highly valuable. He simply said that “no matter what you do, a global perspective will make you better.” He’s so right. A global perspective makes you better informed, more interesting, more flexible, more comfortable in a variety of settings… It literally only makes you better.

So, even if your work does not take you to international locales, do whatever you can to give yourself a global perspective. Read, ask questions, take a trip, think, learn. Your work will benefit. And so will you.

Safe travels.

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Photo: Sean Fraga


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Dean Brenner

A book about change

The Latimer Group’s CEO Dean Brenner is a noted keynote speaker and author on the subject of persuasive communication. He has written three books, including Persuaded, in which he details how communication can transform organizations into highly effective, creative, transparent environments that succeed at every level.