Team Building, Teamwork

There are some universal communication mistakes that anyone can make in the workplace. That’s a pretty long list. But in addition, there are also some communication mistakes that are not universal, but rather are gender specific. And in an era where there is more scrutiny, and far more risk, coming from the things we say […]

Over the last two years, at least one thing should be crystal clear to all of us… that an inability or refusal to evolve can lead to existential threats to our business. “Evolve or die” has become more than just a cliché… it has become a truism that we ignore at our own peril. And […]

If you are like the vast majority of people we meet in our workshops, then you are struggling with too many meetings, too many messages, too many requests, and too many demands on your time. If you are like the vast majority of people we meet in our workshops, then the boundaries between your home […]

The people who know me outside of work, or who know my family, know that we live on a street in a town that takes its Halloween very seriously. Our street has become Halloween central in our town, drawing kids from lots of surrounding communities above and beyond just our own. I keep an accurate count […]

I am an amateur history nerd, and love to read political and military histories in whatever precious little spare time that I have. Recently I was reading a short piece about the mental challenges soldiers often have after they leave the battlefield. After Vietnam, and through to present day, we refer to it as post-traumatic […]

Recently, I have been thinking about how critical it is for me to start my day with a positive attitude and I reflected on this story and memory from a few years ago. It’s an example of how your attitude can impact your day and my hope is that it encourages you to be intentional […]

A few weeks ago, during a coaching conversation, a business leader made a comment to me about the blind spots within his team. He was highly frustrated by the way his team was making choices and decisions. He went on in great detail to explain all the ways they were being “reactive” to the market […]

What Our Busyness Communicates

Posted On September 8, 2021 BY

This post was written by Hannah Morris, Director of Assessment & Advancement at The Latimer Group.   At some point or another, we’ve all probably shared an exhausted statement of how busy we are. The reality is that when we are scheduled with meetings back-to-back throughout our workday or have an unending list of deliverables, it is hard […]

In so many organizations, we see discussions around problem solving go wrong. To be an effective problem solving organization, there has to be a framework of questions that will lead towards full alignment on the issue. Once we have that alignment, then we can have a serious conversation around legitimate solutions. In a world where everyone […]

Don’t Be a Static Leader

Posted On August 23, 2021 BY

People are constantly evolving. As we grow, get older, and experience new things, the sum total of who we are is constantly changing. We are not the same people we were a year ago, two years ago, ten years ago. Because every experience, every relationship, every success, every failure, has an impact on the bottom […]