Sales Communication

So many people are always thinking about “what’s next” or “what’s new.” Everyone likes to think about how to get bigger, better, stronger, especially from a business perspective. Where will the growth come from? How do I reach new potential customers or clients? I was at a party on Saturday night, and the event was […]

My wife recently gave birth to our second child, a baby girl born in May. What a blessing… we are grateful every single day to have our new little one with us. Over the course of the last two months, I’ve been thinking a lot (obviously) about family, and when you spend time every day […]

We recently wrote about a powerful storytelling technique called Problem⇒Solution. It is a “cause and effect” technique, where you lay out the problem first, quantify the problem, and then share the solution and the benefits of the solution… and you do all of that as part of the OPEN in your presentation, conversation or meeting. […]

Building Credibility

Posted On July 10, 2015 BY

My colleagues and I at The Latimer Group speak frequently with clients about the need for credibility in the workplace. Credibility makes everything else possible. When you have credibility, nothing else matters. When you don’t have credibility, nothing else matters. Credibility is the “key to the castle.” so to speak, in the workplace. When you […]

The New Communication Age

Posted On June 15, 2015 BY

The “Information Age” unofficially began in the early 70’s, and with the growth of the internet, the amount of information we gather, process, and share continues to grow exponentially. Until recently, competitive advantage in the workplace has been determined by how well we use and manage all that information. However, at The Latimer Group, we […]

We’ve been writing a lot lately about “the new communication age” and life in a “post-PowerPoint world.” Communication skills have never been more important than they are right now. And one of the best ways to communicate in a powerful way is through the use of story. Story can be used in lots of ways. […]

If we look at our communication as if it were a meal that our audience will consume, we’ll of course want to prepare a communication “meal” they will enjoy. A meal that will satisfy their hunger for simple, valuable communication. And in order to do that, there are 5 ingredients that must be included in […]

The New Competitive Advantage

Posted On April 16, 2015 BY

We recently wrote about the shift from the Information Age to the newly sprouting Communication Age. Information is now fully a part of our lives. It is baked into everything we do. And we are now on the back side of this massive shift towards more, better, more-easily-accessed information. The new competitive advantage will come […]

Today’s post was written by Brett Slater, Chief Social Media Officer at The Latimer Group As The Latimer Group’s Chief Social Media Officer, I’m exposed to every single piece of content Dean and the team produces. I read every blog post, watch every video, and listen to every podcast, and as you imagine, some of […]

Over our last several posts, we have been reviewing the key characteristics of great business communication: Clarity, brevity, context… and today’s topic: impact. Does you message stand out? Do you make it easy for your audience to remember what you say? Does your message make an impact on the mind of your listener? You need […]