Public Speaking Skills

We coach people to be as powerful in their communication as possible. But sometimes, your audience is just not open to what you have to say. Our clients often share experiences where the audience is not always open minded. Some of our clients tell us, “They don’t want to hear that from me,” due to […]

When you stand up to speak in a professional setting, there are three primary ways you are interacting with your audience: the message you have developed, the slides you have created, and the delivery skills you exhibit. All three matter, because all three impact your audience’s experience. Many people think about their work presentations this […]

Have you ever noticed that when people are making a business presentation, very often, they make the story sound super complicated? Have you ever noticed that once they sit down, and it is over, and someone asks simple questions, they can give simple, coherent answers? Have you ever listened to something they say in Q&A […]

We live in a world of distractions, constant and loud. We are expected to be available to everyone all the time, we compete for mindshare with unlimited amounts of content and entertainment, we have a social media landscape which can turn every day into an all-day conversation with friends all over the world. Quieting the mind, and […]

We all know that one of the most important questions to address in our communication is why. Why are we proposing this change? Why is this a problem? Why should you care? Along with what, how, when, where, who, and next, the why helps our audience see the relevance and importance of our communication and […]

Assess Your Degree of Difficulty

Posted On October 17, 2022 BY

There are lots of ways to think about persuasion. And our team always advocates an approach that is based on preparation and a thorough understanding of the audience. But there’s one fundamental and additional element that can never be forgotten. In addition to a thorough understanding of your audience, you also need a thorough understanding […]

Death by PowerPoint. Or as Dilbert put it: “PowerPoint poisoning.” It is software that is so despised that it has been banished by many organizations, and is the frequent subject of cartoons about the proverbial drudge of office life. It’s easy to hate on PowerPoint. After all, it’s often the single common denominator between all the boring presentations […]

How Do We Undermine Ourselves?

Posted On September 2, 2022 BY

This post was written by Hannah Morris, Facilitator and Coach at The Latimer Group. Conversations are a dance. There are times when one partner or party clearly takes the lead, and other times where it is unclear who determines the next step. In these more delicate dances, we edge forward, check to see if our audience […]

Finding Your Executive Voice

Posted On August 31, 2022 BY

We just finished an intensive workshop, designed in multiple modules and spread out over multiple days, with one of our top clients. The topic was Executive Communication Skills, and the goal was to coach a small group of ten rising executive stars in the art of persuasive, executive-level communication skills. We covered a lot of ground […]

The single most frequently asked question I hear regarding public speaking is this… “Dean, how can I be more confident as a speaker?” I’ve been in this line of work for twenty years, and every year, I hear that question more than any other. And throughout my time leading The Latimer Group, my answer has remained essentially the same: Self-awareness and Practice. Great […]