Help Us Solve a Universal Business Problem
Posted On August 20, 2018 BY Dean Brenner
We’ve written on this topic before, but it is such a global business issue, that I am writing about it again. We have clients across a range of industries and on five continents. And no matter where we go, no matter what the industry is, everyone complains about the exact same thing. Everyone wants their […]
The Secret To Better Meetings
Posted On August 13, 2018 BY Dean Brenner
Originally published with the Forbes Coaches Council, July 2018. Meetings are a ubiquitous part of the modern office across all industries. Think of meetings as a company’s blood flow: When they are well-run, ideas and decisions flow through them like oxygen through veins, invigorating every aspect of the business, stimulating new ideas and pushing strategy […]
The Message Makeover Podcast: Mark Zuckerberg and the $150B Conference Call
Posted On August 2, 2018 BY Dean Brenner
This post was written by Dan Cooney, Director of Coaching and Senior Facilitator at The Latimer Group. On July 25, 2018, Facebook held its Q2 earnings call, during which Facebook stock dropped by 24%, and net value decreased by as much as $150B. What happened on that call? What was discussed? (Audio of the call […]
Communicating Respect: Nine Simple Ways To Build Credibility
Posted On July 30, 2018 BY Dean Brenner
Originally published with the Forbes Coaches Council, July 2018. Showing your audience respect has a lot of great payoffs. It makes your audience feel engaged and positive, it can enable a culture of buy-in, in which people feel committed not only to execute a plan or implement a new product but to make it succeed, […]
Dilbert Has Been Making Fun of Powerpoint for Over 20 Years
Posted On July 13, 2018 BY Brett Slater
This post was written by Brett Slater, Chief Social Media Officer at The Latimer Group. Dilbert by Scott Adams has been poking fun at corporate culture and workplace communication since its inception nearly 30 years ago. And the above comic from last Sunday is a shining example — one that hits particularly close to home […]
Meetings: Ditch the Agenda, Open with The Executive Summary
Posted On July 11, 2018 BY Dean Brenner
In nearly every workshop I teach, the topic of “the open” comes up for deep discussion. My colleagues and I focus a great deal of time and attention to teaching people how to engage their audience, right from the first moments of the presentation or discussion. And one of the biggest mistakes we see people […]
Are You Sabotaging Your Own Meeting?
Posted On June 27, 2018 BY Dean Brenner
Quick, but powerful idea for you today. Let’s say you have a meeting coming up and you will be making a presentation. Your boss and some other senior managers will be in the room… or maybe a key potential client who you have been trying to sell for a year… or maybe you will be meeting with your […]
A Simple Tip for Choosing the Proper Tone When Speaking
Posted On June 13, 2018 BY Dean Brenner
Sometimes it is hard to know the right way to say or write something. Sometimes it is hard to know the correct tone to take. How should I speak to these people? How formal or informal should it be? The answers depend on lots of things: the nature and seriousness of the topic; the level of […]
Communication Tips: How to Be Heard Through All the “Noise”
Posted On May 9, 2018 BY Dean Brenner
Communication clarity is really hard in the 21st century… a mantra I have recited over and over in this space. It’s hard because of the noise, the competition for mind share, and shrinking attention spans. But often the best way to combat difficulty and noise is to focus on the most simple, basic elements of […]
What Are the Ingredients for Great Communication?
Posted On March 26, 2018 BY Dean Brenner
At The Latimer Group, we believe there are five “ingredients” that must be present in order to have effective, persuasive communication: Clarity, Brevity, Context, Impact, and Value. We teach these concepts in our workshops and write about them here on our blog all the time, and we believe that all great communication contains these five […]