
Greetings from Singapore, where I’m doing a week of corporate communication training for two of our favorite clients. This follows up a week in Shanghai for the same two clients. International travel is exhausting and exhilarating at the same time. It’s exhausting to travel this far from home, for two straight weeks of day-long workshops. When I get […]

I spoke at my former university recently, as part of the 75th anniversary celebration of the school’s sailing team, which I’d been part of at one time. The organizers asked me to say a few words about team building and team culture, as they know it’s a subject I’ve been spending a lot of time […]

Willingness to Work

Posted On February 15, 2012 BY

This, the last component in our ARROW equation on strong team alignment, is probably the easiest to grasp. On an aligned team, the members of the team are all willing to roll up their sleeves and actually do the hard work to get a positive outcome. It is one thing to understand roles, be respectful, […]

Roles and Responsibilities

Posted On February 13, 2012 BY

This is the first “R” in our ARROW equation on team alignment.  And this is where alignment starts. Clarity on roles and responsibilities is critical. Without clarity in this area, team members may waste time and energy on duplicated efforts and leave other areas of the project untended. The team members on an aligned team […]

The ARROW Equation: R = Respect

Posted On February 6, 2012 BY

“Respect a man. He will do the more.” – James Howell The second “R” in our ARROW equation for team alignment is “Respect.” An aligned team has respect—lots of it, for lots of things. An aligned team respects members’ roles and responsibilities, confidences, and decision-making processes. The members of an aligned team don’t have to […]

“No one washes a rental car.” An aligned team does more than “punch the clock” and show up for work. The members of an aligned team care about the outcome and care about doing whatever they can to contribute to the team’s success.  They contribute to the planning and want to add value. The members […]

The ARROW Equation

Posted On January 10, 2012 BY

We’re working hard here at TLG on our second book, entitled “Sharing the Sandbox: Building and Leading Great Teams in the 21st Century.” Our goal with this project is to give you concrete and easily applied concepts and steps towards building better, more functional, more successful teams. At the heart of this project is a new […]