The Tension Between Old and New Behaviors
Posted On January 8, 2021 BY Dean Brenner
Every good organization is always examining itself, its policies and procedures, behaviors and norms. And when something major changes inside your organization, there often needs to be a close examination of how things are done, and an effort made to adapt to the new reality. This happened, or should have happened, in many ways and […]
Changing Gears
Posted On January 6, 2021 BY Hannah Morris
This post was written by Hannah Morris, Director of Assessment & Advancement at The Latimer Group. If you were fortunate enough to have some time away from work, whether it was a couple days or a longer stretch, you may have experienced and/or may be currently facing the challenge of changing gears. At the end of a […]
Universal Truths
Posted On January 4, 2021 BY Dean Brenner
Hello and welcome to 2021! I hope you had a peaceful and happy holiday, and that everyone in your world is healthy. We had a wonderful “stay-cation” in our home, and spent a lot of time reading, playing games, and watching our favorite shows. Honestly, another week of that would be just fine. But its […]
How to Be A Great Teammate
Posted On December 30, 2020 BY Dean Brenner
(Writer’s Note: As we wind down the year, we have been spending time going through our blog archive, looking for older posts that still resonate. I wrote this post in 2012, and it applies just as accurately today as it did when I wrote it eight years ago. Enjoy!) I spoke at my former university […]
Leadership Tips: The Four Areas of Awareness
Posted On December 28, 2020 BY Dean Brenner
Originally published with the Forbes Coaches Council. In goal-oriented communication, few things are more important than creating a sense of connection between yourself and the person you are speaking to. When you are in the audience, what type of speaker captures your attention more: the one who speaks to your concerns, your needs and your circumstances, or […]
Six Rules For Healthy Office Relationships
Posted On December 23, 2020 BY Dean Brenner
Writer’s Note: This piece was originally posted on our blog in November 2019, and was originally written for And even though many organizations, are still operating primarily remotely, we believe that the behaviors in this piece are universal in their importance. So, don’t get hung up on the idea that we aren’t in the […]
Holiday Greetings and Reflections on 2020
Posted On December 18, 2020 BY Dean Brenner
We believe in lots of things at The Latimer Group, including the importance of certain traditions. Some of our favorites include starting off our Monday team meetings with personal stories and experiences from each member of the team; taking a mid-year retreat together for an in-depth look into our business (which sadly could not happen […]
Who Advises You?
Posted On December 16, 2020 BY Dean Brenner
The further I get into my career, the more I realize how much success is dependent on having strong, objective, trusted voices in your life to point you in the correct direction. On a certain level, I have always known this was a good thing. But the further I go, and the more I evolve, […]
The Simple Power of Pronouns
Posted On December 14, 2020 BY Hannah Morris
This post was written by Hannah Morris, Director of Assessment & Advancement at The Latimer Group. Pronouns, at first glance, are a simple tool to make language more efficient. They replace nouns and make our sentences shorter. But pronouns also hold great power in our communication because of the people that they replace and thereby represent. One […]
Five Ways To Bring Your PowerPoint Back To Life
Posted On December 10, 2020 BY Dean Brenner
Death by PowerPoint. Or as Dilbert put it: “PowerPoint poisoning.” It’s software that is so despised that it has been banished by Amazon and banned from military strategy meetings. It’s easy to hate on PowerPoint. After all, it’s often the single common denominator between all the boring presentations and too-long meetings we have to endure during our workdays. But is […]