
The hardest thing for any subject matter expert (SME) to do is to explain his or her area of expertise in simple and clear ways. When we are “in” it, when we are living the topic every day, and when we know a lot about it, it is really hard to distance ourselves from it and […]

There is a disconnect that I witness every day. The disconnect is between our own perception of what is “clear” and what others think about that clarity. When we have an idea or a strategy or something in our head, and we have thought it through and worked it out, in our own minds it […]

The Absence of Conflict

Posted On February 27, 2025 BY

I love thinking about teams. I love considering the best ways to get a group of people on the same page, and working together towards a common goal. I love thinking about how to create an environment that will make great people want to be on the team. And here is one of my favorite […]

Earn The Right To Be Heard

Posted On February 24, 2025 BY

The people we speak with, or to, are under no obligation to actually listen to what we are saying. With so many choices available for information and content, it’s very easy for people to “change the channel” away from you and your message, and divert their attention to a message more relevant to them. As […]

This post was written by Lauren St. Germain, Facilitator and Coach for The Latimer Group. I’m desperate for spring to arrive. And so is my toddler. Lately, she’s been restless—tired of the same activities (I never thought I’d see the day she got sick of Play-Doh), and running around our living room just doesn’t bring her the […]

Spotlight and Scrutiny

Posted On February 18, 2025 BY

Lots of things change as you get promoted to more senior positions. Sure… your title, your comp, maybe even your office. But these aren’t the most important things, and are certainly not the point of this blog. Your responsibilities change: the amount of P&L you might own, the number of people in your part of […]

Organizational Blood Flow

Posted On February 12, 2025 BY

Information is the blood supply in the modern business organization. But in a world where there is an overwhelming amount of information available, we have to make sure that we are exchanging good information, and not just any information. So let me amend my opening sentence. Good information is the healthy blood supply in the […]

We get inquiries all the time from managers, directors and organizational leaders about a need for communication training for their teams. And in nearly every conversation, the leader is very clear about the needs and weaknesses of her or his team. Then, when we actually conduct the training, and once the participants get comfortable enough to speak […]

Most people communicate selfishly in the workplace. Sorry… I apologize for that harsh opinion. But I believe it to be true. Most people communicate with their colleagues, customers, vendors, and suppliers based primarily on their own needs, wants and goals. Most people build their communication (presentations, meeting agendas, negotiation points, talking points) based on what they want, […]

I ask the following question in every workshop or coaching session I lead: “Have you ever been to that meeting or presentation that was so disorganized, that you regretted accepting the meeting invite?” Of course you have. We all have. The Latimer Group spends a lot of time working inside large organizations, and all of […]