
Have you ever written or sent something to a colleague, client or partner, perhaps something important, that you worked hard on, and really looked forward to the ensuing discussion? You really wanted to hear their thoughts or you needed an answer? And then been surprised when no prompt response came? And nothing… still nothing… no […]

The other day I was on a conference call with two good friends, one of whom is the CEO of his company. We were catching up on some business issues, and my CEO friend made a comment that stuck with me. His company has had some business transition over the last 12-24 months, and this […]

I recently saw a post on Instagram from a good friend, who also happens to be a highly effective child psychologist and successful author. Her name is Katie Hurley, and she posted the following: “When we replace ‘what’s wrong with you?’ with ‘what have you been through?’ we meet each other with empathy and compassion.” […]

(We recently had a conversation with a good friend of The Latimer Group, who said something really powerful to us. Our friend shared that her firm no longer calls communication a “soft skill.” Instead, they refer to communication as a “power skill.” We LOVE that, and it caused me to write this post, which has […]

“That’s not what I said…”“That’s not what I meant…”“You’re not hearing me…” You’ve probably said at least one of those three things at some point in communicating with your colleagues. At first pass, they may seem like simple objections, simple statements to help steer someone to the point you’re trying to make. But if we […]

I am always amazed at how often there is a crossover between the things my wife and I speak with our kids about, and the conversations that come up in my work with clients. The context and the vocabulary is usually pretty different. But the essence of the discussions are usually the same. So, just […]

This post was written by Hannah Morris, Director of Assessment & Advancement at The Latimer Group.  If by chance you, like many of us, have found yourself in a state of overwhelm at some point in the last 12 months, this may help. When we need to re-center ourselves, or bolster our confidence, or focus on a […]

We had a fascinating conversation with a workshop participant last week. He shared a real story, about a presentation he gave soon after he joined his current company. He worked hard at it, he prepared, and he was nervous, but ready. He made the presentation, it seemed to go OK, and then afterwards he asked […]

This post was written by Hannah Morris, Director of Assessment & Advancement at The Latimer Group.  It’s easy to live inside our own heads. We know what we know. As a result, we sometimes start talking, telling a story, asking a question, making a statement, and then realize that the person we’re talking to has no idea […]

One of the themes that comes up in all of our leadership communication workshops is the concept of “how to be a good teammate.” People always seem interested in the steps towards being a better leader and a better teammate. People always seem to want to hear “first do this… then do this… then do this…” People […]

A book about change

The Latimer Group’s CEO Dean Brenner is a noted keynote speaker and author on the subject of persuasive communication. He has written three books, including Persuaded, in which he details how communication can transform organizations into highly effective, creative, transparent environments that succeed at every level.