
I recently re-read a great article that discussed the four behaviors most responsible for killing relationships at home. The article quoted John Gottman, author of The Seven Principles That Make Marriage Work. And Gottman was quoted in Malcolm Gladwell’s book Blink. Anyone quoted by Malcolm Gladwell is worth a few minutes of my time. In […]

Good morning, friends! Today we continue our #LatimerAt20 campaign, and share with you our best communication insights. Over the last twenty years, we have learned a lot about communication, and in particular what life is like inside corporate organizations. And what we have found, over and over and over, is that the biggest roadblocks to […]

Death by PowerPoint. Or as Dilbert put it: “PowerPoint poisoning.” It is software that is so despised that it has been banished by many organizations, and is the frequent subject of cartoons about the proverbial drudge of office life. It’s easy to hate on PowerPoint. After all, it’s often the single common denominator between all the boring presentations […]

When we communicate well in the workplace — when we get to the point, when we articulate value, when we make the point clearly — what we are really doing is respecting our audience, and their time. When we do not prepare sufficiently, or make the point quickly and clearly, then what we are really doing is disrespecting […]

This is the second in a series of short essays written by CEO and Founder Dean Brenner, to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of The Latimer Group. In this series, Dean will share his reflections on, and learnings from, the last two decades. Twenty years ago, the person who got noticed and placed on the “leadership […]

Before you start your day, take a moment and walk with me… a quick, figurative one. I know you are busy and you have a lot to do today. Just a few minutes, is all I ask. Pause for a moment, and think about your life, and your journey to get where you are right […]

In all the communication coaching that we do, one question seems to come up all the time. “How do I get my leader to realize he/she needs some coaching as well?” Most leaders are really good at identifying your areas of possible improvement. But the very best ones are also good at identifying their areas of possible improvement. If […]

This is the first in a series of short essays written by CEO and Founder Dean Brenner, to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of The Latimer Group. In this series, Dean will share his reflections on, and learnings from, the last two decades. Twenty years ago, the person who showed up to the meeting with the […]

Communication clarity is really hard in the 21st century… a mantra I have recited over and over in this space. It’s hard because of the noise, the competition for mind share, and shrinking attention spans. But often the best way to combat difficulty and noise is to focus on the most simple, basic elements of […]

Hello, clients and friends of The Latimer Group, We are excited to share the latest issue of Fathom with you, as the first installment of our “Latimer at 20” anniversary campaign. Over the next several months, we will be coming to you with a wide variety of content, all of designed to share our best learnings […]

A book about change

The Latimer Group’s CEO Dean Brenner is a noted keynote speaker and author on the subject of persuasive communication. He has written three books, including Persuaded, in which he details how communication can transform organizations into highly effective, creative, transparent environments that succeed at every level.