Your Message Can Never Be TOO Clear
Posted On March 3, 2015 BY Dean Brenner
Here is something your colleagues or customers will never, ever, say to you… “That presentation was TOO clear. Please be LESS clear next time.” There are very few universal truths in the business world. Many issues and topics depend on context and the details of the situation. Rarely can we make rigid rules of things […]
5 (More) Ways Your PowerPoint Slides Can Hurt You
Posted On February 25, 2015 BY Dean Brenner
This is a topic we have written on before, but it merits another emphatic mention. PowerPoint and slide decks are completely overdone, to the point where the whole concept of the business meeting presentation is often (and accurately) lampooned. But many large organizations still rely on the internal presentation as a primary method of communication […]
Help Your Audience Retain Your Message
Posted On February 23, 2015 BY Dean Brenner
I’m writing to you early on a Sunday morning from my hotel room in Perth, Australia, the sun still hiding behind the eastern horizon. My colleagues and I are blessed and grateful to have a client base that takes us all over the world, with active relationships on five continents. And while that means we […]
4 Key Strategies for Persuasion
Posted On February 19, 2015 BY Dean Brenner
A quick post from the road today, about a pretty hot topic here at The Latimer Group: Persuasion. We write and talk about it all the time, and I think about it a lot, too (especially during down time when I’m traveling, like now). Consider the strategies you may need and use to persuade someone […]
The Balance of Needs
Posted On February 16, 2015 BY Dean Brenner
As a small business owner, I am constantly thinking about the various needs that I, and my teammates, should always be thinking about. What needs am I referring to? Whose needs? I am constantly thinking of three sets of need: 1. Our clients’ needs. We are a service provider, and we preach “knowing your audience” […]
The Art of Negotiation (as taught by a five-year-old)
Posted On February 13, 2015 BY Dean Brenner
(We originally published this post in June of 2014, but as always, there are business communication lessons here that ALWAYS hold up.) I spent the entire day yesterday with my five-year old son. We had quite a nice little Saturday. We woke up early, had breakfast together, and then went out for some man-style shopping. […]
What Pete Carroll Can Teach Us About Accountability
Posted On February 2, 2015 BY Dean Brenner
Well… that was a great game. For those who care, and watched, I would rank that as one of the three or four best Super Bowl games of all time. And for those of you who do not care and did not watch, trust me… this is not a post about American football. Today’s post […]
The Customer is NOT Always Right
Posted On January 26, 2015 BY Dean Brenner
Sometimes certain phrases get repeated so often, they become more than cliche. They become indisputable fact. But that doesn’t mean such statements are always correct. Like many cliches, “the customer is always right” has some element of truth to it. The customer knows what they want or need, and the customer is entitled to certain […]
What to Know Before You Tell Your Story
Posted On January 23, 2015 BY Dean Brenner
At The Latimer Group, we talk and write all the time about the ability to communicate clearly. That is our purpose, our mission, our raison d’etre. To succeed in the 21st century global business environment, you need to be able to communicate with your colleagues, employees, customers, prospects, and shareholders, and you need to be […]
To Communicate Well, You Must First Communicate
Posted On January 21, 2015 BY Dean Brenner
Last week I spent some time speaking with someone I occasionally coach. Last week’s problem was that he and a close colleague were in a tough spot, not communicating well. Apparently, the colleague was doing some things that were intensely frustrating for my client. The details are not important to the story, but there was […]