What Is Your Superpower?
Posted On November 3, 2016 BY Dean Brenner
I have written here on many other occasions that leadership and team lessons can come from anywhere. It is always great to find some little nugget of wisdom and apply it to other facets of your life. And it is especially profound when that little nugget comes in the most innocent of ways… a passing […]
The Powerful Idea of Leadership Transference
Posted On August 15, 2016 BY Dean Brenner
Leadership can mean different things at different times to different people. But a few things are non-negotiable. And while sitting on an airplane the other day, I was reading a short essay about Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the concept of “transference” came up. The point of the essay was that during his presidency, Roosevelt was not […]
LeBron James and the Importance of Delivering on a Promise
Posted On June 20, 2016 BY Dean Brenner
The worlds of sports and celebrity are overwhelmed with hype, and people who fail to live up to that hype. It often seems like celebrity and fame in 21st century America require lots of things, but it is equally clear that fame often does not require skill or actual performance. How many people do we […]
How to Make Sure You Get the Most of Employee Training
Posted On May 31, 2016 BY Dean Brenner
We had a great conversation with a long-standing client and friend yesterday, and part of it was a fascinating discussion of “new behaviors.” We were discussing some major training initiatives for his organization, and he asked the million dollar question: “How do we make sure we get a great ROI for our investment in training?” […]
4 Key Strategies for Persuasion
Posted On February 19, 2015 BY Dean Brenner
A quick post from the road today, about a pretty hot topic here at The Latimer Group: Persuasion. We write and talk about it all the time, and I think about it a lot, too (especially during down time when I’m traveling, like now). Consider the strategies you may need and use to persuade someone […]
The Balance of Needs
Posted On February 16, 2015 BY Dean Brenner
As a small business owner, I am constantly thinking about the various needs that I, and my teammates, should always be thinking about. What needs am I referring to? Whose needs? I am constantly thinking of three sets of need: 1. Our clients’ needs. We are a service provider, and we preach “knowing your audience” […]
Do You Keep Score at Work?
Posted On September 4, 2014 BY Dean Brenner
Have you ever worked with someone who “keeps score” with you? You know, that person who always seems to remember the people who owe them something, or who did something bad to them, or how many people they need to get even with? Scorekeepers are people who keep track of how many good things they […]
On Robin Williams, Depression and Being a Good Friend
Posted On August 12, 2014 BY Dean Brenner
No matter how certain you are, you never really know what another person is going through. You never really know what it is like to walk a mile in another person’s shoes. You never really know what is going on in another person’s life. Yesterday, the world learned that comedian and actor Robin Williams had […]