Sharing Credit Builds Better Teams


Sharing credit is a powerful example to set in the workplace. Be wary of the person who wants credit for everything. And make sure that person isn't you.

Have you ever worked with someone who seems obsessed with taking credit for everything? I have, and it… is… awful. It is unmotivating, frustrating, and exhausting to be around someone who is constantly trying to remind you how great they are. All you ever hear from a person like that is some version of “look at me,” “look what I did,” “I created that,” and “I’m fantastic, don’t you agree?”

It is ironic because the more someone grabs for credit, the less people want to give that person credit. The harder you seek it, the less people want to give it to you.

The best people to work with are the ones who not only do good work and add value, but also never take credit for anything. The best people to work with are the ones who are really productive, and then want to share credit with others, with the entire team, and deflect attention off themselves. If you are really productive and valuable, and humble about it, people will be more willing to give you credit for that good work. And the more you share credit with others, the more they will want to share credit with you.

Be wary of the person who wants credit for everything. And make sure that person isn’t you.

Have a great day.

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Dean Brenner

A book about change

The Latimer Group’s CEO Dean Brenner is a noted keynote speaker and author on the subject of persuasive communication. He has written three books, including Persuaded, in which he details how communication can transform organizations into highly effective, creative, transparent environments that succeed at every level.