The Career Impact of Powerful Communication

Here is a story I have witnessed countless times in my career…

Think about a young, aspiring leader, with great ideas, all the best intentions, and enough energy to power up a city block. This young leader wants to do well, wants to help the company, and brings great ideas to the table. But that young leader just does not connect well with those around them. Despite all the best intentions, the communication skills just aren’t present. This aspiring young leader struggles to connect with different parts of the org chart… especially with those older and more senior to them.

And without these necessary skills and ability to connect, all those great intentions, talent and ambition are never fully leveraged. This often ends up leading to a departure from the company, a slowed career path, or some other sub-optimal outcome.

Does this sound like anyone you know? This is only one example of how a lack of communication skills can slow down or block professional progress. But the good news is that this is an entirely solvable problem. Because great communication skills are largely a learned skill. And The Latimer Group is here to help.

My colleagues and I are proud to announce the Latimer Certificate Program, which will allow professionals to invest in themselves and enroll in a detailed, customized, cohort-based learning journey, led by me. We will launch our first cohort in early 2025, with a focus on early career leaders who need the skills to communicate across business unit, function or generation.

So, if you know someone in your organization worthy of investment — or if you are willing to invest in yourself — then please reach out to my teammate Alex Rudkin to discuss the possibilities. Our Latimer Certificate Program will provide a fast and efficient accumulation of the necessary communication skills for every aspiring leader.

Have a great day!

Dean M Brenner Black Low Res


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Dean Brenner

A book about change

The Latimer Group’s CEO Dean Brenner is a noted keynote speaker and author on the subject of persuasive communication. He has written three books, including Persuaded, in which he details how communication can transform organizations into highly effective, creative, transparent environments that succeed at every level.