
How Easily Do You Trust?

Posted On July 27, 2022 BY

Some of us trust our colleagues quickly,  and only when a colleague does something to betray that trust do we reduce it or take it away. Others among us do not trust quickly, and rather make all colleagues earn the trust before we give it. Which of the above describes you? It’s important because it […]

There are a few questions we frequently hear from our workshop participants. And perhaps the most vexing is the question of detail: how much do I need, where do I put it, how much is too much? Without exception, it comes up and is a major topic of conversation in every workshop. Why? For two simple, […]

Remember Your Mentors

Posted On July 22, 2022 BY

Good morning, friends. I am writing to you today, with fresh memories from a memorial service I attended yesterday, for a long-time mentor and friend of mine. This person lived a full, generous, successful life in all ways. He was a giant on Wall Street, and in his community, constantly taking an interest in the […]

When People Listen to You

Posted On July 20, 2022 BY

We all know how it feels to have our time wasted. Have you ever been in a meeting/presentation/conference call that seemed to have no purpose? Or where the speaker could not get to the point? Or where you wondered why you were even there? [Pause for you to nod in agreement…] Have you ever listened […]

My colleagues and I write all the time about the characteristics and keys to great communication. Many of them are obvious… preparation and practice are near the top of any list. But there is another component to great communication, that often goes unnoticed in our fast-paced, back-to-back-to-back meeting world. Time management, and creating a short […]

Hello friends! We are continuing our latest blog tradition of fielding your questions about effective communication. And our recent post on July 13 struck a chord with many of you. We got several good responses to our post on the need for leaders to “practice what you preach.” So let’s review some of the best […]

We get inquiries all the time from managers, directors and organizational leaders about a need for communication training for their teams. And in nearly every conversation, the leader is very clear about the needs and weaknesses of his or her team. Then, when we actually conduct the training, and once the participants get comfortable enough to speak […]

Here are five of the most common communication problems or roadblocks that we see, with solutions for each: If your communication problem is time, then brevity is your friend. Make sure to shorten your message significantly, and dramatically reduce the amount of detail you try to squeeze in. Reduce your information to a list of “three things,” […]

This post was written by Hannah Morris, Facilitator and Coach at The Latimer Group. When we want to define something, such as authentic presence, we often need to define its opposite. So, what is inauthentic presence and why and how is it problematic? Inauthentic is fake, insincere, not genuine. When someone’s presence is perceived as inauthentic, […]

This post was written by Hannah Morris, Facilitator and Coach at The Latimer Group. In our first post in this series, we examined the idea that, within our authentic presence, each of us shows up in a variety of different ways based on choices we make to adapt to our environment, audience, and situation. We have […]

A book about change

The Latimer Group’s CEO Dean Brenner is a noted keynote speaker and author on the subject of persuasive communication. He has written three books, including Persuaded, in which he details how communication can transform organizations into highly effective, creative, transparent environments that succeed at every level.