Dilbert Has Been Making Fun of Powerpoint for Over 20 Years

This post was written by Brett Slater, Chief Social Media Officer at The Latimer Group.

Dilbert by Scott Adams has been poking fun at corporate culture and workplace communication since its inception nearly 30 years ago. And the above comic from last Sunday is a shining example — one that hits particularly close to home for us here at The Latimer Group. Dean shared this one with the team recently, and we collectively agreed that it would make a fun blog post for a Friday.

So, in an effort to find a little context to support this comic, I searched the Dilbert website for “Slides,” and was served a veritable trove of archived comics that poke fun at the “Powerpoint culture” that’s permeated the business world for the last 20 years or so.

Check ’em out at this link. If you’ve ever been part of a meeting that’s run WAY too long, or seen a presentation with a busy, overcrowded slide deck, then I’m sure there are more than a few panels in there that will make you chuckle.

Have a great day.

At The Latimer Group, our individual Coaching services are highly customized and designed to help you achieve your specific goals. Typical engagements focus on developing skill sets in Leadership Communications, Public Speaking, and Executive-Level Business Presentations. To learn more, e-mail us at info@TheLatimerGroup.com


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Brett Slater

A book about change

The Latimer Group’s CEO Dean Brenner is a noted keynote speaker and author on the subject of persuasive communication. He has written three books, including Persuaded, in which he details how communication can transform organizations into highly effective, creative, transparent environments that succeed at every level.