A Simple Equation for Success

This post was written by Hannah Morris, Director of Assessment & Advancement at The Latimer Group. 

If by chance you, like many of us, have found yourself in a state of overwhelm at some point in the last 12 months, this may help.

When we need to re-center ourselves, or bolster our confidence, or focus on a large task at hand, there is a simple framework that can set us up for success: Purpose-Value-Control. It is a three-step process, which can be completed in under two minutes, to strengthen our senses: our sense of purpose, our sense of value, and our sense of control.

First, we need to clarify our purpose. What are we here to do? What are we trying to achieve? If others are involved, what are our shared goals or how can we align our goals? If we are midway through a project and buried in an ever-growing to-do list, let’s step back and remind ourselves what the purpose of the project is and how we and others will benefit from its ultimate completion. If we are about to undertake a courageous conversation and feel concerned about the discomfort and risk it involves, let’s revisit the reason for and future reward of this process.

Second, we need to articulate our own value. What value do we bring to this effort or endeavor? Why were we asked to participate or lead? What is unique about us that will contribute to the ultimate success? There is always something about our background, experience, skillset, methods, passion, mindset, flexibility, or availability that we can lean into to define our own personal value proposition. For those of us who experience Imposter Syndrome from time to time, wondering how we got where we did and fearing that we don’t measure up, this is our opportunity to respond. Maybe I don’t have the same qualifications as everyone in the room, but here’s what I do have. Some of us have followed linear paths in our careers that make great sense on a resume, others have a more circuitous and creative story to tell. Let’s always think broadly about the question of value and how it can apply in each circumstance.

Third, and finally, we need to have a clear understanding of what we can and cannot control. Heading into a meeting, I know that I cannot fully control the reactions of my colleagues to the proposal I am presenting. I cannot control what kind of day they have had or how much is on their minds. What I can control is how I approach the conversation, how thoughtful I am about making this message clear, concise, relevant, and meaningful for them. I can plan how I bring them into the conversation, create opportunities for connection, and make all aspects of my communication easy to consume.

The next time you are about to undertake something that feels massive, or daunting, or simply unappealing, take two minutes to strengthen these senses and see how it sets you up to dive in and perform.

Does your team:
– Take too long to make decision?
– Fail to ask for what it wants or needs from you?
– Make things too complicated?
– Deliver unconvincing or disorganized presentations?
– Have new hires who are unprepared to communicate in the workplace?

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Hannah Morris

A book about change

The Latimer Group’s CEO Dean Brenner is a noted keynote speaker and author on the subject of persuasive communication. He has written three books, including Persuaded, in which he details how communication can transform organizations into highly effective, creative, transparent environments that succeed at every level.