Leaders, mentors and people in positions of authority have enormous power. The power to make decisions, set rules and regulations, run the P&L. Many forms of power. But today our topic is not about the typical, top-of-mind forms of power. Today our topic is the power of the leader’s voice. And in particular the power to impact the way people around that leader see themselves. Because the simple fact is that people in positions of authority play a disproportionate role in the sense of self for the people in their charge.
And this power needs to be used carefully, and respectfully.
Let’s pivot for a moment and start with an examination of the parent/child dynamic. We all know that parents have a huge impact on how children see themselves. In most households, the feedback that the parent gives almost entirely forms the early versions of the child’s sense of self. The things they hear from their parents every day will play a critical role in forming what that child see when they look in the mirror. Children who grow up in a household with positive reinforcement tend to have a stronger sense of self than children who don’t. And many adults spend the rest of their lives with the voice of their parents inside their head, positively or negatively shaping their confidence. If the child grew up with negative reinforcement, that child will almost certainly become an adult who struggles with managing that voice of negativity inside their head.
Let’s now pivot to the school environment, because the same things happen there. When a student experiences a teacher who expands their sense of self, who listens to them, who believes in them, that student will remember that teacher for the rest of their lives. And when a student experiences a teacher who diminishes them, that too will be carried with them for the rest of their lives.
The same is true in the workplace. When we meet that leader who listens to and believes in us, and expands our sense of our capacity, we remember that leader forever. And the same is true for the leader who diminishes us.
Of course, in all of these examples — parent, teacher, business leader — we need to be careful of going too far. Too much positive reinforcement without anything corrective creates a different, equally significant problem. The key is to be a voice of balance, but one that is based on a foundation of support, encouragement, and belief. Because the greatest gift we can give each other is belief. There is nothing more powerful than having people around you who believe in you.
My colleagues and I use this space to write about communication and leadership skills in the workplace. And my message today is directed at anyone with a voice of authority. The most powerful way for you to use your voice is in service of others, and to use your voice to expand your team’s sense of its own capabilities and power.
Your leadership voice matters. Your leadership voice is powerful. Use that power carefully. And when you do, you will positively influence everyone around you.
Good luck, and have a great day.

Does your team:
– Overwhelm the audience with too much detail?
– Make things too complicated?
– Fail to ask for what they want or need?
Does your organization:
– Waste time because of poor internal communication?
– Take too long to make decisions?
– Struggle to clarify and frame discussions?
Do your leaders:
– Exhibit poor executive presence?
– Lean on incomplete communication skills?
– Fail to align the organization?
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